The Villa (Edited)

Start from the beginning

 "Bella, that's my mom and dad. Over here, we have my two younger brothers, Mark and Adam. Michelle, the blond, is Adam's wife. They have two boys together. The redhead near Michelle is my baby sister Brittany."

Mind Blown. Too much information at once. I hope he doesn't expect me to remember this. I planned to stay all by my lonesome. "Hi."

They murmured hellos. Then his parents spoke up. They were old. I realized they must've had their children later in life. The woman reminded me of Betty White and the father reminded me of Bill Clinton, the now pictures where he appears so old.

I don't really like old people.

"You can call us Mom and Pop," his mother said. "It's what everyone here does even the staff for the grounds."

Ah, I say. "Speaking of, do I get a key or pass to that big black gate that locked behind me."

Logan nodded. "Yes, it's all waiting back at your home."

Home. I tasted the sound on my tongue. I hadn't had a home in very long time. "We should probably get going then."

"Mm, I'm waiting on the lawyer."

My attention perked up. "For?"

Logan smiled. "Nothing devious, I assure you. It is all about your finances while I'm away. I very well meant what I said when I stated I'd take care of you."

I released the breath I had been holding and then we were standing there awkwardly.

"Alfred," his mom called. An older gentleman came walking into the room with purpose. Was he a servant? "Bring tea for our guests."

"Yes, mom." Alfred declared and disappeared.

"What do you do, dear?" His mother directed the question at me.

I groaned. I really didn't do social situations. "I did work at a gas station, but I was framed for a robbery and got fired. The police told my boss that the thieves were just lying and he offered me my job back. I refused out of pride so I'm currently doing nothing."

She sat there digesting. "That's awful, dear. Have a seat, you don't have to stand."

I cringed at the thought. I wanted out of here as soon as possible. "Thank you, but I'm fine really."

The lawyer arrived then and I was so happy I could've kissed him. He came right in with Vanessa so I held myself rooted to my spot. Surprisingly, she walked right up to me and hugged me. I didn't return the favor.

Why would she do that?

I watched the lawyer hand papers to Logan who handed me some to sign. I just flipped to the back ready to sign until I saw that one of the signatures said termination of parental rights. My heart stopped. I was surely missing something. I flipped back to the first page:

Section 1. Financial Stability in Logan Spades care.

Section 2. Housing while in Logan Spades care.

Section 3. Medical needs while in Logan Spades care.

Section 4. Termination of Parental Rights to Logan Spade.

Everything was perfect except for section 4. I read through that section thoroughly. It clearly stayed that I was taken care of until I gave birth to our baby at which time, I would give my child to Logan Spade and Vanessa to take care. I would no longer have any rights to see my child at all.

Tears stung my eyes. I don't know why I was even surprised. I still felt the stab of betrayal. I looked up and met Logan's eyes. I walked over to him and simply slapped him across the face as hard as I could muster.

I spoke before he could even react. "It was all a lie. You got me here saying you'd take care of me and I shouldn't worry about anything. Yeah, you'd take care of me all right and then you'd steal my baby right from under my nose."

Logan's eyes burned and I heard someone gasp. Still, I refused to let him speak.

"The only way I will give you my baby is if you pry her from my cold dead corpse. Now, I know why you brought me to this villa. You wanted to keep me here in a prison and keep your family watching me. You know what, fuck you, you're a son of a bitch. And I'm leaving right now."

I turned around, but Logan was quick. He twisted me back into his grasp. "What the hell are you talking about and why the hell did you hit me?"

I laughed. "You really going to act like you didn't just ask me to sign to terminate rights to my unborn child."

"No," he screamed.

I shoved the papers at him. I placed my hands on my hips. My eyes were stinging from the  tears I've yet to spill.

It didn't take him long to find section 4 and when he did his eyes widened. "I didn't add this."

Disbelieving, I stared back at him. "Then who did."

Vanessa spoke up. "Me. You're irresponsible. You don't have a job. You have no way of taking care of this child the way that we can. We have been wanting a baby for years and now here it is. Why don't you give this child the life he or she deserves?"

The tears I've been trying to hold slipped down my cheeks. I turned back to Logan. "You will have to kill me before I give you my baby, is that clear?"

"Let me make something else clear, I had no intention of asking you to." His eyes were completely on Vanessa. I could tell from the anger he was pouring at her that she had some major explaining to do.

 Preview for the next chapter:

"And there you go." The doctor said as Logan and I tried to find the baby. "There, you see the little flutter of the heart beat right there. The timing all fits perfectly, Mr. Spade. She is six weeks along."

Logan looked from the monitor to my stomach and then felt compelled to touch my lower abdomen. "Uh, what are you doing?"

I asked even though I was covered. "Touching where my baby is," he answered, too in awe to get my reaction.

"My body," I countered. The Logan Spade is touching my body.

"His baby," the doctor answered. He smiled like it was a joke. Before I could call him out he noticed something. "Wait a minute, is that? It is."

"What?" Logan asked.

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