Return to the Beach

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A/N: Geez. These updates are taking longer and longer each year...

Oops. I meant couple weeks or so. Remember to comment when you can, it reminds me that people actually read/like this stuff~

Speaking of longer... this is a longer chapter at about... 5000 words total.


Steven's POV:

Going through warp streams on this planet has been really fun up until now. Up until today, we've been getting into random fights when we exit the Warp streams but now we know we're going somewhere to pick a fight. I dunno, I'm feeling a little... weird.

I shouldn't be feeling this way, though! I'm the leader of the Shining Gems right now! I should... be excited, right?

But I'm not, because... we're fighting other gems...

But... that's what Jasper's been doing, right? I mean we're trying to unify the galaxy, here!

And these guys, these gems, they're rebelling against us.

So... they're the bad guys.

So... we'll have to win.

"Okay guys, is everyone ready?"

"You asked us that before we left."

"Oh... um... right."

Jasper started laughing at me. "But yeah, kid. We're ready."

"Yes. The Crystal Gems are unequivocally no match for us." Peri's eyes were glistening with the glow of pride! Woo! We've got this!

"Even if we're probably gonna be at each other's throats after this fight." Lapis sighed.

"Tch. Waddaya mean? I'm not gonna be attack Peridork's throat, just yours!"

"Ha. You're just as rude and loud as ever."

"And so it begins." Peridot sighed.

We'll get through this... together. Even after all this fighting.

"Ugh. We're joking."

"Yeah Peridot, I can't believe you're  underestimate us so soon."

"Oh? I-I'm sorry Lapis! Er... and you too Jasper..."

Yay! They aren't completely against each other... yet!

"Hey, this Warp stream is taking way longer than before."

"Hm... yeah. It's... unsettlin- whoa!"

We had finally warped back to the Communications Hub and the two- or three, I guess- members of the Crystal Gems were waiting for us!

Whoa... they really busted up the Communications Hub! Grrr... how are we gonna call home, now?

"Welcome back." The fusion chuckled, waving over to us.

"Wow, and I thought they'd be too scared to come back. Guess you won that bet, Garnet."

They were both laughing... at us!


"Easy there, Cheese puff. We've gotta stay together." Lapis poked Jasper's arm, getting a nod from Peridot.

"Right. As one cohesive unit."

"Heh, alright, if you say so." Jasper sent an evil grin over to the two Crystal Gems. "You know fusion is just a cheap tactic, I know what you really are!"

When Universes Collide: A Steven Universe AUWhere stories live. Discover now