This Chick Kills People for a Living

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Dick : when you were robin , why did you love making new words so much ?

Bruce : Bad Bat , very Bad bat ..... you shouldnt have done that with Thalia , Selena is very hurt now . Question : Have you ever considered havong an apprentice??

Red Arrow : *muahahahahah laughing evilly* why dont you accept the fact that Jade is an assasin ? Green Arrow : how did you and Dinah get together ?

Wally: How do you feel about the spitfire ship? Red Arrow : How do you feel about the ......RoyArt ship??

"Hmm.  I suppose I liked the freedom of being able to express my thoughts and feelings in words that most accurately fit them," Dick pondered.  "And if there was no such word, then I would make one up."

"Also, you enjoy irritating people and you know it got on everybody's nerves," Roy added.

"Maybe a little.  Plus, I still do that," Dick pointed out.  "Just not quite as much."

"Thank God," Wally groaned.

"Okay, Bruce, your question," Dick said slyly, shoving Bruce playfully.

"I really don't think there is much to say on the matter," Bruce deadpanned.

"But the fans want to hear your explanation," Dick protested.

"Well.  We all make mistakes.  And then we move on.  So, I made a mistake and I have moved on."


"That's really disappointing," Dick smirked.  "But what about Selina?"

"What about her?"

"It hurt her feelings," Roy piped up.

"We weren't techinically an item at the time and we had agreed that a time out would be most conductive to our relationship.  So really, I wasn't at fault there.  If she chooses to be hurt about it, then that's her own problem because I had the freedom to be with whomever I chose at that stage in our relationship."

There was a long silence.  "That's cold," Clark commented.

Bruce threw him a disgruntled look.  "If two adults decide to see each other, it is no one's business but their own."

"Alright, whatever you say," Clark defended, raising his arms.  "All I'm saying is that Selina might not see things the same way as you do."

"She never does."

"Okay, moving along to my question," Vic interrupted.  "I have never considered having an apprentice because I didn't think anyone would be interested in the position."

Wally looked up in surprise.  "I bet a bunch of people would want to be your apprentice."

"Really?" Vic frowned contemplatively.

"Yeah," Dick chimed in.  "You should put a sign up in the Watchtower saying that you want an apprentice."

Bruce stared at him.  "That's...not how we get things done, Dick."

"You know, I'm just assuming not everyone gets adopted into a billionaire's family."

"Roy, you're up," Wally said.  "Ooh, this one's about you and Jade."

"And the next one is about you and Artemis so stop grinning."

"Answer the question!"

"Someone's defensive," Roy drawled.  "Alright, I've accepted it, I just don't like it."

"Then why are you married?"  Dick asked.

"Dick..." Bruce pinched the bride of his nose.  "Please.  You can't ask people why they're married."

"Nah, it's cool," Roy shrugged, arching a brow at Dick.  "Bro, here's how it works: You meet a really hot girl.  She tries to kill you.  You try to get her arrested.  Shit goes down.  You fall in love with her.  So you get married.  But then, in the corner of your mind, it's nagging at you that this chick kills people for a living."

"Right, well, that cleared everything up," Wally said slowly.

"In that case, why don't you clear up everything between you and Artemis?"  Oliver invited from the corner of the room.


"Yeah, why don't you?"  Dick chimed in.

"Oliver first!"

"Alright.  Basically, this is what happened: there's this pretty blonde girl asking for my help.  I say yes, because I'm a straight male with a pulse.  We get to the place after an insane motorcycle ride.  I think I already like this girl when she says she needs money.  Lots of money.  So I get pissed, because I think she's using me."

"Which she was," Roy added.

"Yeah, but she had to because she was trying to save Wildcat," Oliver countered.  "So I help her and yeah, that's the abridged version."

"Now it's Wally's turn!"  Dick hollered joyfully.

"Do youhave to do that, Dick?"  Wally scowled.

"No, but I want to.  Now answer the question!"

"I think it's a nosy topic to have turned into a ship and an invasive question," Wally snapped.  "Also, highly accurate, but that's beside the point."

"That's boring," Roy complained.

"Give us real gossip," Oliver demanded.

"So you can gossip about us in the staff lounge of the Watchtower?"  Wally snorted.  "No, thanks."

"And how about Roy/Art?" Dick mentioned casually.

"I believe it's actually called 'Longshot,'" Oliver corrected.

"How do you know that?"  Bruce asked in amazement.

"I make it my business to know these things," Oliver replied shiftily.

"It's gross," Roy scowled.  "She's like eleven."

"She's fifteen," Wally retorted.

"It would still be gross.  Plus, I'm married.  With a baby.  I don't have any reason to be chasing after my wife's teenage sister."

"It's a bad ship," Wally commented plainly.

"That's about all for now," Vic concluded.  "But leave us more questions!  We love hearing from you!"

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