Chapter 31: Hope?

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Matt's PoV:

"NOOOOO!" I screamed as I watch him crumple over. He cannot be dead. He just cannot! I rushed over to him, my right hand clutched over my left arm to stop the bleeding. I picked up his head and placed it in my lap, checking for vitals. He was still breathing, barely.

"Come on, Peter! Hang in there! I need you to stay alive! Please!" I begged. Joshua came over and picked him up. I hunched over and started crying. He will not make it. His breathing is too low. We need a miracle for him to live. We need som-.

I sat up suddenly and used the tracking spell, telling it to find the sacred nemeton. It immediately pointed northwest. There is hope.

"Noah! Pick up Olivia. Carry her until she is conscious. Both of you follow me. Quickly!" I instructed and started running in that direction. I heard Joshua and Noah behind me stumbling to keep up. A large cliff appears in front of me. The tracking spells points through the cliff. I waited until Joshua and Noah caught up.

"I am going to use the levitation spell. Hold onto them tightly ok?" I said. They both nodded, tightening their grip on Peter and Olivia. I grab hold of both of their shoulders before using the levitation spell. We started to float over the cliff when I see it, the sacred nemeton. 

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