Chapter 4: A Monster to Question

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I shook myself out of my thoughts. Courtney and Olivia were in one of the bedrooms talking quietly while Matt was washing the dishes in the kitchen. I got up carefully to look for Noah. Holding my right side, I walked pass the room Olivia and Courtney was in and knocked on the door of the second bedroom.

"Come in!" Noah called out. I opened the door and looked in. Noah was sitting on the bed reading through one of the books from the bookshelf in the room. He looked up and jumped. I looked at him quizzically.

"S-sorry, I was expecting M-Matt because I wanted to t-talk to him about this b-book. You are j-just so-", he stuttered before I cut him off.

"Intimidating? Scary? Murderous? A monster? I mean I am all of them but I do not do it for sport", I said. I continued to look at him. Noah shifted his gaze several times before I sighed and said, "I will go get Matt for you. No need to be scared of me. I am a domesticated werewolf you know." I closed the door behind me and shuffled into the living area to see Matt in the large arm chair sipping his tea and reading one of his books.

"Noah would like to talk to you about one of your books. He is in your room", I stated. Matt looked up and marked his place in the book before closing it. He placed his book on the table beside the armchair, got up with his mug, and walked over to me, putting his free hand on my shoulder.

"Peter, I care about you deeply. You are a great friend. Do not allow the death of my brother go to waste. He would rather have you alive than dead, so when you go out and save people, please be careful" he whispered. He then walked towards his room calling back to me "Get some rest in the armchair. I have the spare bed in the shop to sleep in." I waited until Matt entered his room to talk to Noah before I start to hobble to the arm chair. I used my werewolf hearing to listen in on Courtney and Olivia while going but then stopped when I heard what they were talking about.

"I do not think we should stay here tonight Olivia", Courtney whispered. "I do not trust that werewolf thing. What if he wants to eat us?"

"His name is Peter. He is oriental like me. I trust him. Plus, we need to at least stay to be polite to Matt. Peter also saved our lives. If he did not, we would have been dead", Olivia replied quietly.

"He is a monster, Olivia! Have you not heard any of the werewolf stories around here? They are dangerous creatures who need to be put down!" Courtney exclaimed quietly.

"How about we go talk to him and find out what he is like? Would that put your mind at ease, Courtney?" asked Olivia.

"You can. I can hide around the corner and if he decides to jump you, I can kill him and then we can make our escape", Courtney replied.

"Fine, I will talk to him. Don't you dare get any funny ideas while I am talking to him", Olivia huffed out.


A/N: Enjoy Chapter 4!

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