Chapter 14: Surveying the Wreckage

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We walked quickly through town, my cloak covering all my weapons that I am carrying. When we arrived, I surveyed the house from the front. Nothing seems out of the ordinary yet. We entered the house through the front door, being sure to close it so no one can look in. When I turned around, the house was in shambles. The table was broken, the chairs strewn about the room, and many dishes broken on the floor. That is when I smelled it; a faint scent that does not fit the environment. I was about to continue surveying the rest of the house when I realized something.

"Where is Sir Wesley's wife, Isabelle?" I turned to question Keith and Shayne. Keith cringed a bit before replying.

"They took her too", he said quietly. I nodded before continuing surveying the house. I approach the bedroom and saw that it was intact. They must have been taken in the living area then.

I returned to the living area to see Shayne picking something up from the ground. I quickly approached him to see what it was. It was a piece of cloth with blue lines crisscrossing each other. I immediately knew what happened.

"Follow me! NOW! And do not make a single noise", I instructed quickly, taking the cloth away from the Shayne. They looked at me, scared, following my lead out the back door into the forest. 


A/N: I actually want to know what you guys think. Like, honestly, it would help me immensely.

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