Chapter 11: The Hunters Two

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I was to visit Mari Takahashi and her husband, also named Peter, next. They are the kingdom's most revered archer, tracker, and hunter. They are known to be able to pierce a bird through its open beak meters away. Though I question that claim, I do not question their hunting and tracking abilities. They can find a deer in a matter of minutes when they enter the forest.

I was about to head up to their door when is swings open, and Mari steps out with her bow and quiver of arrows. She is of oriental decent as well but her hair is long, thick, and purple.

She smiled at me and said, "Well a good morning to you, young Peter! What brings you to my humble home today?"

I pulled out the list before replying, "I need two rabbits, a duck, and a chicken". She nodded and ran back inside. I waited in front of her house quietly until she arrived back at the door; in her hand were a rabbit, a duck, and a chicken.

"You got the last rabbit from yesterday. I saw this when I woke up to take stock. That is why I was about to head out. For you and Matt, you boys get to have the last one since he did help me with the herbal remedies for my Peter inside", she stated. I thanked her twice before bidding goodbye. Only one stop left before heading home.


A/N: Same issue with the last chapter, how to say boyfriend/girlfriend in a time period that the phrase does not really exist. Oh well, Mari and Peter are pretty much married after being together for so long.

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