Chapter 24: Captured

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Peter's PoV:

I sniffed the air around me. It has to be here somewhere. I have fully shifted into my werewolf form to get as far away from the kingdom as possible. I refuse to let my friends get hurt because of me. I looked behind me. A large forest covers the area below me.

I shook my head and returned to the task at hand. There is a sacred nemeton known to be a safe haven for werewolves to go and seek shelter from anything. Legend has it that it is on this mountain that I am standing on right now. I do not remember the name but it is in the far north. I travelled 534 kilometers to get here. That is more than a day's worth on horseback. Good enough to avoid the kingdom.

I sniffed around again hoping to find the nemeton quickly. There was another scent nearby that I wanted to avoid; the scent of an alpha. I do not have time for an alpha, nor do I want to encounter one in my weakened state. I have not taken a break since I left which leaves me starving and dehydrated. I just need to find this nemeton fast or else I will not be safe.

I started moving further north when I heard a low growl coming from behind me. I knew what it was; the alpha. I started sprinting further north, not wanting to look back at the potential dangers behind me. I heard it coming up closer to me. I pushed myself harder until my legs gave out and I fell hard. Not like this, please. I tried to get up when something big and heavy landed on me. I tried to fight back. I tried to leave. I tried to get away. Then, there was nothing but darkness. 

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