Chapter 15: The Savior is Slipping

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I took a quick sniff of the cloth without Keith and Shayne noticing. It smelt of wild mint. I looked back to make sure they did not notice. I cannot tell them that I am a werewolf. The only people that know are Matt, Joshua, and now Noah, Olivia, and Courtney, and that is already too many people who know.

I sniff the air quietly to find the scent. It came from the north, towards the clearing where wild mint grows in abundance. Of course, they would go back there. I motioned Shayne and Keith to follow me. They hesitated before following.

We travelled for approximately fifteen kilometers (nine miles) until I saw the clearing. I ducked behind some bushes and dragged Keith and Shayne down. They were about to protest when I covered both of their mouths and shush them. I pointed over the brushes. All three of us looked over. Sir Wesley and Lady Isabella were lying on top of an extremely large tree stump of an ancient tree surrounded by what appears to be little goblins. The goblins were setting up a ceremony of sorts.

"You two stay here and do not, I repeat, do not make a noise or come towards me. Understand?" I instructed quietly. Both Keith and Shayne nodded before I stood up and walked into the clearing. One goblin noticed me and called the others. They all surrounded me, their spears pointed in my direction.

"What brings you here, human?" one of the goblins questioned. I turned to the speaker with my eyes glowing bright blue, the color of an omega who has killed a man.

"I wish to speak to your chief", I answered calmly. The goblin snarled and was about to go into the chief's tent when I heard a crash behind me. I turned to see Shayne and Keith on the floor in the clearing. Cursing, I saw the goblins attempt to move towards them so I leaped over them and landed between the two men on the floor and the goblins. The goblins stopped in their tracks as I growled at them.

"Retrieve your chief now or risk being slaughtered", I growled out, my eyes glowed brighter than normal. Something in me feels off. I feel like I am slipping away from human logic. I blinked a couple times to see one of the goblins run into the chief's tent to fetch him. I heard Keith and Shayne get up from the ground as the chief comes out.

"What is the meaning of this hu-" the chief cuts himself off when he looked in my eyes. I rushed through the ranks and grabbed the chief's throat with my claws. Claws? I do not remember letting my claws out. Oh no. I looked over at the stump. It was nemeton, but this one feels different. It feels evil. I looked back at the chief and pointed at the stump.

"Those humans belong in my domain. Release them, or I will rip you to shreds!" I commanded. He nodded and waved one of the goblins to release Sir Wesley and Lady Isabelle. The magical goblin lifted them off of the nemeton and into Shayne and Keith's waiting hands.

I turned to them, fangs bared. I am losing my grip. "Go back to town now and meet me at Matt's house, now!" I shouted. They did not take a second to hesitate and ran, Shayne carrying Sir Wesley and Keith with Lady Isabella. I turned back to the chief who was still squirming in my grasp. I pulled him to my face.

"If I find out that you kidnapped another one of my humans, you and your followers will all be dead. Understand?!" I growled, loud enough for the rest of the tribe to hear. The chieftain nodded, tears in his eyes and still squirming. I toss him into the ranks, turned and ran after Shayne and Keith.


A/N: So these comments down here will start going away now unless it is something important, of course. Sorry for the distracting boldness of these comments. 

The Kingdom of Smoshजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें