Chapter 23: Start of Retrieval

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Matt's PoV:

When I arrived at my house, Joshua was already waiting by the door, a travel bag in hand and Umbra strapped to his back. He was wearing chainmail armor and battle greaves. We entered my shop and immediately went into my room.

"What were you thinking Joshua?!" I whispered loudly. He was about to reply when there was a knock on the back door. I glared at him before running to see who it was. When I opened the door, Noah and Olivia rushed inside quickly. I stood in the doorway, shocked, for a few seconds before checking the surroundings and closing the door behind me. I rushed back into the Noah and Olivia also had travel bags. Noah was dressed in a travel robe and shoes carrying a staff. Olivia was in a cotton fiber dress, boots, and leather vests and leg guards with her crossbow and two quivers full of arrows.

"Joshua, explain yourself", I demanded.

Joshua smiled widely before replying, "We are going to find Peter ourselves. The trackers can take their time, but since we do not have time, we might as well go on ahead of them." It took me a minute to process what he said before I went and packed my travel bag. I pushed them out of my room so I can get dressed.

I opened my armoire and put on my cotton shirt and pants, leather vest, leg guards, and boot, and cloak. I strapped my sword on my right hip, the old alpha's dagger on the left, and tucked a spell book under my left arm. I walked out my room and faced Joshua, Olivia, and Noah in my living area.

"Let us leave through the back door and into the forest immediately. Go three kilometers into the forest before I use the tracking spell to find Peter. We will then follow that spell from then on, understand?" I commanded. They nodded. "Joshua, you are out in front followed by Olivia and then Noah. I will take the rear to close the door and remove the tracks." They nodded and immediately left the house in that order. I followed after them, closing the door behind me and using a clearing spell to clean the tracks left by everyone. We will get Peter back. We need to.

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