Chapter 25: Omega Urges

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Peter's PoV:

I woke up suddenly, my head banging with pain. I looked around, my werewolf vision helping me see in the darkness of what appears to be a cave. I tried to get up, but I soon discovered that I could not. I looked down to my hands to see that I have shifted back to human form. My wrists were chained to my ankles, with the ankles chained to be a very thick sheet of metal attached to the cavern walls. I tried to say something; the gag refusing any sound to come out. I was captured, and only a little more than a day outside of the kingdom.

I tried to use my werewolf strength to break out of the chains, but to no avail. I have not eaten nor drank anything in a full day. My strength has left me. I leaned back against the metal wall. This is how it is going to end, captured and helpless. At least I get to protect those that I cared about. I do not need to be alive in order to protect them.

A sound coming from the left of the cavern made me turn my head slowly towards it. A man came in with nothing but a pair of pants on. He was tall and highly built, muscular in every way possible. His chest hair and abdominal trail were not as thick, but still thick enough. His beard, square jaw, and bright blue eyes looked at me. I cannot help but feel attracted and scared of this man.

He smirked and came over to me. I watched how his muscles moved with him, fluid yet sharp at the same time. He squatted down in front of me, his eyes catching mine.

"You should not be alone, little omega", he said, smirking. I grunted at him. He laughed. "Omegas like you get killed by alphas like me every day. Alphas like me love to absorb your puny little strength because that is how it is. Omegas serve alphas, even if it requires the death of the omega."

His scent hit me then. I felt submissive. I felt as though I need him. I felt him trying to take over my mind, and I let him. My omega side released fully, dowsing him with my scent of need. He laughs louder before releasing more of his scent in my face. I took it in. I want him. I want him in me. I want him to use me. I want him to treat me as if I am nothing more than his mere slave.

He chuckled and shook his head before standing up. "Not right now, pup", he addressed me. "You will get what you desire soon. I just need you to stay here by yourself for a few days in order to desire me more." He licked his lips before leaving the cavern, his scent stronger than before. And I want it. I want it bad.

I struggle against the chains. Come back! I want you to stay! I need you to dominate me! I gave up after I lost sight of him, taking in his scent slowly to savor it. He has to come back. He wants my strength. I will give him everything he wants.

I rested my head against my knees. He will come back. I know it.

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