Chapter 19: Runaway

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Matt's PoV:

There is whispering going on in the room. I groaned and sat up stretching. I opened my eyes to see Wes and Isabelle up and looking at me weirdly.

"Ah, both of you are awake. Stay right here. I will be right back with some food for you two", I commented. They both thanked me, and I head out of the room to see an unoccupied armchair with a piece of parchment on it. Oh no. I quickly hurried over to the armchair and grabbed the piece of parchment.


I cannot allow this to continue on. The town will be destroyed from the inside out if I stay. If I leave, maybe the town can return to normal, and continue on without the threat of a destructive alpha or any other beings coming in. It will save you, Joshua, Olivia, and Noah the trouble of having to face Sir David and all that opposes you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Please thank everyone else the same thing. Do not worry, I will keep myself alive.

I wish you and everyone else a happy future,


I sunk into the armchair. This cannot be happening. He left and expects me to have a happy future? I have lived with him for so long now and he just leaves? I was about to curse his name when I remembered the look on his face after Amra talked about the predicament. He looked like he wanted to die. Is that why he started to fade in between stealth and not? Does he wish to disappear to protect me, to stop the argument so that I do not have to take care of him? Does he think him disappearing would protect everyone else too?


A/N: WHAT!?! A point of view shift?! IMPOSSIBRU!! But seriously, it works better this way? I don't know. I'm going to keep posting what I have, regardless. You all enjoy!

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