Chapter 34

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*** A Few Days ***

The trip was fun, I haven't gone on a vacation is so long. Due to the fact that my so called mother doesn't like vacations because it 'slows her work' and 'it isn't very royal to just leave.' She's so wrong.

Harry smiled as he seen me walk back to the living room.

"Did you bring the popcorn?" Louis asked. Danielle and I each handed the boys their own bowl to share with us girls. Logan and Niall just took from the closest bowl. Harry pulled me close to him and kissed my head.

"Stand down." I said to Xavier and Charlie.

"Princess, we can't." Xavier said. I rolled my eyes. I went back to watching the movie. Harry placed his forehead and nose on the side of my head. He held me close and tightened his arms around me. Suddenly he lifted me up from the couch and onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and softly kissed his neck. He shifted around. I quietly laughed when his eyes got bigger as I lightly bite his skin. I kissed it then watched the movie.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Louis yelled.

"DON'T DO IT!!" Logan and Niall yelled together. I rolled my eyes at the two boys.

"Dont go in. You'll never come out." Perrie said. Harry chuckled.

"That's what she said." Louis said. I sighed as all the boys laughed.

*** Next Day ***

"You are so beautiful." Harry said moving his body close to mine. His front was now touching my back. Harry tightened his arms around me.

"Stop talking." I demanded. He grunted and placed his chin on my shoulder. The two of us watched as everyone surfed- well a majority did. The others like Perrie, Zayn, Logan, and El failed.

"Are you done for the day?" I asked. He nodded.

"Why? Are you?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't feel well."

"What's wrong?" Dani asked. Liam wrapped a towel around her and she sat next to me.

"Just cramps."

"I have some medicine if you'd like. My cramps are the worst." Dani was now searching in her purse.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked leaning a bit away so he could see me.

"If you don't want to you can stay here."


"Stop. Talking." Liam yelled. Harry made a face and then sighed.

"Here." Dani smiled to me while handing me the ibuprofen bottle. I smiled and put it in my purse.

"Thanks, Dani." I hugged her and kissed Liam's cheek. "Tell Logan that I'm fine and I'll be at the hotel." He nodded. Harry smiled at me and grabbed my hand and laced our fingers.

Xavier sat in the kitchen as Harry and I sat on the couch, watching a movie. I sat in between Harry's legs and my head rested on his chest. One of his arms were wrapped around me and the other rubbed my tummy.

I closed my eyes as the pain began to lessen. My hands slightly squeezed Harry's. He kissed my cheek.

"How do you feel, baby?" He whispered.

"Better." He chuckled. His soft lips pressed against my temple and were left there.

"I love you." He whispered, against my head.

"I love you too." I smiled.

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