Chapter 18- Part 1

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** A Few Days Later **

A few days had passed since Aunt Em came and she's still here. She was leaving around the fourth of January.

"Haz," I laughed. He joined me. "You hang up."

"No, you." I laughed. This has been going on for forever.

"Babe," I dragged out. "Please hang up." He sighed.

"I'll wait outside for you tonight. Be ready around ten. Remember to wear something nice."

"I know, Harry."

"Okay, just making sure. I love you, beautiful."

"I love you too, handsome." I hung up and then put my phone in my back pocket. I walked out of my room with a smile.

"Good morning, boys." I said to all of the guards as I walked by them.

"Morning, Princess." They said together. I walked into the kitchen and kissed my dad, aunt, and grandmum's cheeks.

"Someone's in a good mood." Aunt Emma said.

"Probably Harry." Dad said and smiled at me. I grabbed an apple from the bowl.

"Harry?" Aunt Emma asked.

"Mum's here. I can't explain."

"No, she went out." I smiled when my dad said that.

"He's my boyfriend."

"You. Have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I smiled dreamily thinking of him.

"When do I meet him?"

"Dad?" I asked. He looked up at me from his paper. "Can I go out tonight?"

"Tonight's New Years Eve." Xavier said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I rolled my eyes.

"With?" Dad asked.

"Harry and the guys. They want to take me out since I haven't been to a 'proper' New Years party."

"As long as I can talk to him before you go." I nodded.

"What are you wearing?" Aunt Emma asked. I shrugged when I didn't know. "I'm taking her shopping, big brother." She got up and kissed her mum and brother. She dragged me behind her. I laughed as Xavier and Charlie tried to keep up.

"Where are we going?"

"Shopping." She smiled. Oh, no.

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

I stood up from my bed and went down stairs.

"Mum?" I called.

"She's in the bungalow." Gemma said. I grabbed my coat and put it on. I dug my hands in my pockets as I walked out into the backyard. It was snowing a bit with another layer of snow covering the old.

I opened the door and my mum was cleaning up around here. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, sweetie." I smiled and closed the door.

"Hello." There was a long silence before any of us talked.

"Spit it out." She said stopping her cleaning.

"You know how I can tell you anything?" She nodded. "And when I tell you somethings you keep them secret?"

"Harry?" She asked worried.

"Can I tell you something then?" I asked.

"You didn't get in any trouble with the law did you?" I smiled and shook my head. "Then what's wrong, sweetheart?" She asked sitting down on the couch next to me. I took a breath and looked up to her.

My mum was beautiful, for a mum of two children. Her black hair was tied back and she was dressed to keep warm. I don't know what I would do without my mum. She's been there for me ever since I can remember. As I looked at her now, her eyes were looking at me with different emotions. Scared. Worried. Love. Happiness.

"You know how I told you I was dating this one girl?"

"The one you've been dating for six months and I still haven't met her yet?" I nodded. She laughed and nodded. Then her smile was wiped off her face and replaced with a frown. "She's... She's not pregnant is she?"

"Oh, dear gosh no. We aren't like that, yet." I said shaking my head. She breathed with relief.

"Okay, keep going."

"Do you know why I haven't told you who she was yet?" She shook her head. "She's not exactly like us." She rose her eyebrow. "She doesn't live in an ordinary house with neighbors, like we do. She.. She is Isabelle Elizabeth Madeline Rose Windsor- Princess of England."

My mum said nothing as she took it in.

"You're not joking?" I shook my head. She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you for telling me, Harry." I wrapped my arms around my mum and was glad I told her.

Princess of England (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now