Chapter 5

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*** A Few Days Later ***

"Dad, mum is out right?" I asked. 

"Yes, you can go out with Harry." I hugged him and went outside where Harry was. When I reached him he pulled me close and kissed me. 

"I'm taking you to meet my friends." He said. 

"It's about time. I didn't think you had any." I joked. He smiled and opened the car door for me. 

"I have to warn you. They can be crazy at times." He said after turning around a corner. 

"I deal with my mother every day. Bring it." He smiled and let go of my hand while he got out and ran to my side. Harry grabbed my hand in his and laced our fingers. He let me in the flat first. 

"HARRY? IS THAT YOU?" Someone yelled. 

"Yeah." Harry replied. "Stay right here until I go get them." He leaned down and kissed me. 

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

I was nervous about Belle meeting the boys. They could be crazy at times. Plus them not knowing that I was with the Princess of England was going to freak them out. 

I ran back to the kitchen and saw the four boys sitting at the table joking and eating some food- nothing unusual.

"Is she here?" Niall asked excited. 

"Yeah, but promise me you won't do anything dumb." 

"Can't promise." Louis said. I sighed. 

"She means a lot to me and I can't-"

"Hazza, we'll be fine. Go get her." Liam smiled. 

"Go, before I do." Zayn said. I looked at them once more and ran back to the door. Belle smiled at me and I grabbed her hand. Here we go. 

~~~ Princess Isabelle's POV ~~~ 

Harry smiled and grabbed my hand once again. 

"Boys, this is-" Two of them spit out his drink onto the counter top.


"No fucking way." The blonde one with an Irish accent said. 

"Way." I smiled. 

"Belle these are my friends- Liam," The boy with short brown hair and a bit of stubble on his face. "Niall," The blonde Irish boy. "Zayn," The tanner one, with black hair that stuck up into a perfect quiff. "And Louis." The boy with brown hair that was sort of into a quiff and wore a stripped shirt. 

"Nice to meet you boys. I'm Isabelle." 

"Y-your so pretty!" Niall stuttered. 

"Princess Isabelle." Liam said bowing. 

"No. No. No. Please do not bow." I said shaking my head.

"But," Zayn said confused. 

"Just no bowing, kay?" I looked up at Harry and he was smiling at me. "And just call me Isabelle. Not Princess or Princess Isabelle. Just Isabelle." 

"Got it." Louis said and nodded. 

"Aren't you supposed to be getting married to the minister's son?" Niall asked confused. 

"It's arranged- not my idea- by my mother. Hate the idea. No one besides you guys, my father, and the workers at the palace know about Harry and I-"

"And we would like it to stay that way. Got it?" Harry told them. They nodded. 

"I can't believe you two are dating." Zayn said. 

"Is this real?" Louis said trying to touch me, but Harry pushed him away. 

"Haz," I whispered warningly. He looked down at me. "I'm fine." He looked at his friends. Ever since my dad has agreed to let Harry take me places without guards, he has promised my father that no one would hurt me. How cute and sweet and- snap out of it! 

"So, Princess Isabelle Elizabeth Madeline Rose Windsor," Louis said crossing his arms and standing in front of me. I mimicked his actions. 

"It's just Isabelle, Louis." Liam said. He looked scared as if Louis was going to mess something up. 

"Where did you two meet?" 

"The park." I answered. 

"How long have you been dating?" 

"We met two weeks ago. He asked me to be his girlfriend, officially, a week ago." 

"Are you really in love with the minister's son?" 


"Do you like Harry?" 

"If I didn't I wouldn't be dating him." 

"How old are you? Thirty? Twenty-five?" Why was he assuming I'm older? Do I look old?


"Why aren't you with any security guards? I thought you had to be under tight watch." He eyed me. 

"Harry is on my father's good list. Although my personal guards stay within a close radius to us." 


"Yeah," Harry said. I looked to him and he was watching me. "You can't say no to the King." 

"Harry, we're going to borrow your girl." Zayn said. Zayn, Niall, and Louis got up and then grabbed my arms. 

"Do not damage her!" Harry yelled to the boys. I smiled at him and he watched. The boys sat me down and began questioning me. About everything. 

It's been two hours since the boys and I have been talking. Harry was now sitting next to me. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, while his hand rested on my waist. I yawned and wrapped my arms around Harry's torso. 

"Boys, she's tired." Liam said. 

"One more question." Zayn said. 

"Shoot." I yawned.

"You don't act like a princess." He said. 

"I try not to when I don't have too." 

"Does the retired queen live with you?" Louis asked. 

"Your questions were already asked." Harry said. 

"No, Zayn stated something. He never asked anything." I looked up at Harry and he glared at Louis. I think we were all getting tired.. and grouchy. I looked at the four boys and they were waiting for an answer, Liam now interested. 

"Queen Elizabeth the second?" The boys nodded. "She's my father's mum. She lives in the palace with us. I love her to death." 

"What is she like?" Liam asked interested. 

"Liam, you said you weren't going to do this." Harry said annoyed. I looked up at him and brought my hand up to his hair and massaged his scalp. "Mmmmmm." He hummed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"She's fine." I smiled at Liam and he returned the smile. "But she's like any other grandmother." Harry rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. His nose touched my neck as his head was on my shoulder. 

"Can I met her one day?" Liam asked. 

"You can meet her any day that your little heart desires." I said and pinched his cheek. 

"How long can you stay for?" Zayn asked. 


"That gives us at least...." Louis checked his watch. "Four hours. Wanna watch a movie?" 


"I'll make popcorn." Niall yelled. 

"I'll get the movie." Louis yelled. 

"I'm on drink patrol!" Zayn yelled. 

"I can't believe we are going to watch a movie with THE Princess." Liam said to the boys as they went to the kitchen. 

"I know." They said. I stopped massaging Harry's scalp and looked down at him. 

"They love you." He whispered. 

"I can tell." 

"If you want to go out or something else we can." 

"This is fine, Haz." He smiled and leaned up to kiss me. Just as we were about to kiss we got interuppted by Louis pulling our heads apart. 

"Louis William Tomlinson. I will hurt you." Harry said. Louis smiled and put the movie into the player. I moved around so I was comfortable and laid my head on Harry's chest and he laid his head on mine. 

"I have to get you home." Harry said. I sighed and hugged the boys. 

"Will you come over tomorrow?" Niall asked. I looked at Harry who was helping me put my jacket on. 

"Um, if I did it would be late at night. It also depends on wether or not Harry wants to take me out." The boys simultaneously looked at Harry. They then looked at each other and looked back to Harry. 

"What?" Harry asked looking up from his keys. He was totally oblivious.

"Don't take Isabelle out tomorrow." They all yelled and crowded him. 

"She's my girlfriend though." Harry pouted and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and placed my hands over his. They groaned. 

"Goodbye, boys." I said. 

"Bye Princess." They bowed and said together. 

Harry and I shared another slow, sweet kiss. We were in between the bushes. Everyone knew about us, but it's for the best if mum is home. 

"Goodbye, Belle." He whispered. I smiled and kissed him again. 

"Goodnight, Harry. See you tomorrow. Teach your friends to not call me Princess, please." He smiled.

"I can try."  I let go of his hand. As I walked away I felt him stare after me. 


I hope you guys like this story!!! If you all could help me out and get this story out there, that would be awesome!!

Check out my other story Falling In Love With My Brother's Best Friend (Dylan O'Brien).

Also go help my friend (xXBirdyXx) and check out her story 'The Memories That Haunt Us'

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