Chapter 18- Part 2

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Hey!! I know this doesn't get many reads, but I want to take a second or so of your time and tell all of you that do read this story thank you. It really means a lot and it has like 400 reads! So I just wanted to say thanks and keep it up!!

I know the chapters are long and I'm sorry about that!! But stick with me. I promise it gets better!!

Love, El


~~~ Princess Isabelle's POV ~~~

I stepped out of my bathroom and Aunt Emma smiled.

"You look so beautiful." I turned around and looked in my full-length mirror. I was wearing dark wash skinny jeans and a white top with two strips of gold sequins. Over my top was a pinkish cardigan. I was wearing black converse. My hair was straightened, falling down an inch past the mid section of my back. Aunt Emma lightly put make up on me.

"Here." She said and handed me my jacket. After making sure my necklace Harry had gotten me for Christmas was on my neck, I put my jacket on. I turned to my aunt and hugged her.

"Thank you." I whispered. She tightened her arms around me and kissed my head.

"Your so welcome, sweetie."

We walked down the steps quietly. I placed my purse over my shoulder and put my phone in the front pocket. Xavier and Charlie followed my dad, aunt, and I outside. The gate opened and across the street and Harry was leaning against his car. I smiled when I seen him and ran to him. He opened his arms and picked me up. He spun me around.

"Gosh, I missed you so much, beautiful." He said into my ear.

"I missed you too." He kissed my cheek and then set me down, keeping his arm around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Hello, sir." Harry said and tipped his head. I looked at my aunt and she was staring at Harry- as if they had met before.

"Hi, Harry." My dad said smiling at my boyfriend.

"Harry this is my Aunt Emma. Emma this is my boyfriend, Harry." My aunt smiled and nodded.

"Hello, ma'am." Harry smiled. Emma smiled at him.

"Belle said you and the guys are taking her to a party?" Dad asked. Harry nodded and replied.

"Yes, sir. It's at a club downtown."

"She'll be okay?"


"She'll be more than okay, sir. I won't let her out of my sight." He tightened his arm around me.

"I defiantly approve." My aunt said. I smiled at her and she winked and looked back to her brother.

"What time should I bring her back?"

"What time do you think you should bring her back?" Dad asked. Harry said nothing for a second.

"One?" He asked.

"One?" My dad asked. Harry gulped. My dad looked at his sister and he smiled at Harry. "Harry, you and my daughter are almost eighteen. You can stay out later than that." He smiled at me. "Just have her home before three thirty." I let go of Harry and hugged my dad.

"Thank you." I whispered. He kissed my forehead then I let go and hugged my aunt.Harry smiled at me and then opened my door. I got in and then he did. My father and aunt were escorted inside by two guards. Xavier and Charlie were behind us in their car.

Harry reached over and intwined his hand with mine. His thumb ran over my skin. I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"You look beautiful, love." I blushed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "I don't think I can leave you for a week any more."

"Then don't." I said, moving around in the seat to look at him. He looked over at me and smiled.

"I don't think I will."

We rode in a comfortable silence with the radio softly playing in the background. We pulled into the back of the club.

"Haz?" He was standing by my door waiting for me to get out. Once I got out he shut the door and grabbed me by the waist. "What do people do here?" He smiled.

"Just watch people when you get in there." He said bringing me closer. "It's going to be weird at first but I promise it'll get better." I stared into his beautiful green eyes. I put my hands around his neck and brought his face down to mine. We kissed for a couple seconds.

"Lets go." I whispered. He chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"Princess," Xavier said. I looked back. "We'll be in there somewhere." I nodded and Harry and I began to walk to the back of the building. Without asking for ID security let us in. Harry let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist. He leaned down and put his lips next to my ear.

"Stay by me."

As we entered to the main area it reeked of alcohol. The music was loud and had a good beat. A lot of people were on the dance floor. As Harry said, I watched the people as we passed. Girls were swaying their hips while guys were holding their waists. This was so foreign. Harry must've seen my face because he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"It's alright, babe." He said over the ear-busting loud music. A second later he spotted the boys at a booth and walked over. I hugged the boys with joy.

"I missed you." I said. Zayn hugged me again.

"You look so beautiful."

"Thanks, Z." He kissed my forehead. I looked around the table and there were three extra girls. I smiled at them while they stared at me.

"Belle this is my girlfriend Eleanor." Louis said with his arm wrapped around the brown haired girl.

"This is my girlfriend Danielle." Liam said with a brown skinned, curly headed girl on his lap.

"Or you can call me Dani." She said with a smile. I nodded.

"Belle, this is my girlfriend Perrie." Zayn's arms were wrapped around the small blonde girls stomach.

"Girls this is my girlfriend, Belle." Harry said.

"You look familiar." Eleanor said. Louis leaned over to her and whispered something, when he pulled away her eyes widened.

"Oh, my." She leaned over to Dani and told her then it got to Perrie.

"Harry, how the fuck did you meet the Princess of England?" Perrie asked my boyfriend. I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled down at me.

"A park." He said.

"Nialler," I said, he smiled and moved closer to me. "You don't have a date?" I asked. He shook his head and took a drink from his beer.

"Nah, I just like to look for the single ladies." With that he got up and walked to the dance floor.

"I'm sorry, but Princess?" Danielle asked. I looked to her. "Do you even know what to do at a place like this?"

"Truth is I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do." Everyone laughed, although I didn't know why it was funny.

"Come on, love." Zayn said and grabbed my hand.

"Zayn, I'd rather have her next to me." Harry said.

"I won't let her out of my sight, mate. I promise." Harry looked at me.

"Stay with him, please."

"I will." I smiled. I quickly kissed him and went back to Zayn.

"This is simple really. Right now lets start with the basics." He said over the music.

"Which is?" I yelled.

"Move your hips." I did and he laughed. He came closer and grabbed my hips. He moved them from side to side. "Like this." After a minute of repeatingly doing that, Zayn told me to stop. "Do you want Harry for this part?" I looked over to him and he was watching me.

I took my pointer finger and motioned for him to come. He smiled and set his drink down.

"This part is simple. What he'll do is grab your hips from behind and pull you into him. What you will do is simple- move your hips like we just did. Got it?" I nodded. He smiled at me and I kissed his cheek.

"Z," he turned back to me. I took my cardigan of and gave it to him.

"Have fun, sweet cheeks." I laughed and he left. Harry nodded to Zayn as they passed. I gathered my hair and put it into a messy bun on my head. Harry watched me with a smile on his face.

"I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing." I said afterwards. Harry smiled showing his beautiful dimples.

"It's okay. Just relax and let loose, alright?" I nodded. He came behind me and held my hips, just like Zayn said. He walked closer to me so that my back was touching his chest. I began to slowly moving my hips.

"You're a natural, babe." He whispered in my ear. "Relax." He whispered. I closed my eyes and put my hands over his. He squeezed my hips for a second. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" He said in my ear. I smiled and shook my head.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Harry asked me after we danced for a long time. I thought about it.

"Just a water." He smiled and kissed me.

"I'll be right back." I bit my lip and watched as he walked through the crowd of people and up to the bar.

"If I asked, do you think I could get you to say who taught you how to dance like that?" I turned and seen Zayn and Niall standing there. I laughed and they sat down at the booth across from me.

"Are you having fun?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, it's different."

"By the way." Niall began. "Thank you for the new guitar." I smiled and nodded.

"Is that what the key was for?" Zayn asked. Niall nodded. "Are you excited to actually see the fireworks this year with us?" Zayn asked smiling.

"No, I hate all of you." I said with the straightest face ever. Zayn and Niall looked at each other then came to me and tickled me.

"Say you love us!" Niall yelled.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on?" Liam asked. Louis was beside him.

"She said she hates us." Then the four of them ganged up on me and tickled me.

"Get off of my girlfriend, right now." Harry yelled. The boys got off me and then Harry sat in the booth next to me. "You okay, beautiful?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Haz."

"We're not." Liam said crossing his arms.

"She told us she hates us." Louis pouted. I rolled my eyes and leaned over Harry. I kissed each boys cheeks.

"I love you all." They smiled.

"Don't I get any?" Harry asked with a smirk. I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face more towards me. I pressed my lips to his. They tasted of the drink he was drinking, which tasted quite good.

"Get a room!" Louis yelled.

"Where's the nearest one?" Harry asked. I laughed and placed my hand on his thigh. "I'm not kidding." He said seriously. I stared at him.

"Woah. There will be no baby making with you two." Zayn said.

"Does that go for us too?" Louis asked wrapping his arms around Eleanor. "Cause I don't think I can do that."

"I don't care about you two." Zayn said looking away. Louis pouted.

"Come on, babe." Louis said, the couple went onto the dance floor.

"We should probably leave soon, to get a good seat." Liam said looking at his watch.

"Princess?" Someone asked. I looked to my left and saw Callum standing there with some girl. "I would never expect you to be here." I looked up at Harry who was glaring at him. I grabbed Harry's hand and held it in the both of mine.

"Yeah, and I WOULD expect you to be here." The boys laughed.

"Yeah? I did expect you to be with him." What? I'm so confused.

"You can leave now." I said.

"Did you talk to your-"

"Not yet. I'm not talking about this tonight Callum." I said.

"Talk about what, babe?" The blonde next to him said. Her hand was pressed his his chest and his hand was on her waist.

"The wedding." The girl looked at me like I was a piece of rubbish.

"That's the girl?" She asked in a rude tone.

"Yeah." Callum said annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure she asked you to leave." Harry said, not breaking eye contact with Callum.

"Lets go, babe." Callum said to the girl. Harry glared after them until they were out of sight. I grabbed Harry's drink and took a bit. Zayn grabbed it from me.

"The two of you should not be drinking alcohol." Liam said.

"It's New Years!" Harry whined.

Harry's arms were wrapped around me as he stood behind me. We stood on the bridge of the park waiting for the fireworks.

"Did your mum ever drop the wedding?" Harry whispered.

"I'm still trying." I sighed. He tightened his arms around me. I looked down at the ground to the guys and their girls.

Liam and Dani were sitting on the blanket, Dani leaning against Liam as they silently waited. Perrie and Zayn were laughing and stealing kisses. Eleanor was sitting on Lou's lap and he would whisper things into her ear, causing her to laugh. Then there was Niall, just sitting by Liam and Dani. I felt bad, but then when Liam turned to talk to him I felt better.

"I wish we didn't have to sneak around." Harry said quietly. I looked down to the ground and then back up.

"Me either." We stood in silence for a few minutes. I turned around and faced him, putting my hands on his chest. "I'm trying my best to end this stupid wedding."

"No matter what you do- I'll still love you." He said. "Even if you do have to marry that arse. Although I'll kill him before that will happen." I laughed. He turned me around. "I love your laugh."

"Ten," Everyone at the park began counting down until the New Year.

"Nine," Harry smiled and placed his big hands on my hips.

"Eight," I put my arms around his neck and placed one of my hands on the nape of his neck.

"Seven," Harry moved closer to me.

"Six," This will be my very first time that I have ever kissed a guy on New Years Eve. A guy that I'm absolutely in love with.

"Five," The first time ever that I have been out of the palace for the fireworks- all because of Harry.

"Four," He is so sexy. The way his curly brown hair gently blows in the light wind. His beautiful emerald green eyes that stare into mine. His smooth, soft skin. Everything. Everything about him is just perfect.

"Three," Harry whispered with the loud crowd.

"Two," He whispered again, this time leaning down to me. His nose touched mine. I know he was waiting for one, but I couldn't. He was teasing me and I hated it. His kisses were addicting- like a drug.

"One," I said with him and then placed my lips on his warm soft lips. Like I said earlier- his kisses were like a drug. It was just too hard to explain. Hard to explain the way his lips moved against mine.

As we kissed I heard the faint sounds of the fireworks. Then I heard people cheering and horns going off. But as I kept kissing Harry, it seemed as we were the only two in this park. In the city. The world. The universe.

We broke apart, our faces close. I opened my eyes and Harry was breathless, like me. I smiled up at him and he kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and then he did.

"Best New Years ever." I whispered.

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