Chapter 19

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** One Month Later **

Today was February 1st. A special day, kind of. I opened the boy's front door with the key that Harry had given me. I carefully shut it and took my jacket and shoes off. Before I could go up the stairs Liam walked around the corner. He was dressed already and smiling at me.

"Good morning." He said keeping his smile.

"Morning, Li. What's up?" I asked after kissing his cheek.

"Making Harry's special breakfast." I smiled.

"I'll be down in a minute." He nodded.

"Sure you will." I rolled my eyes and began up the stairs. I walked to Harry's door and carefully turned the knob. I walked in, shutting the door behind me.

Harry was so cute when he slept. His curls everywhere. His muscled upper half showing along with his toned arms. I couldn't decided which part was sexier. His back muscles or his v line? His lips were slightly parted as soft snores escaped.

I smiled and took my purse off my shoulder. I climbed onto his bed. I laid next to him on my stomach. When my body touched his, he automatically moved his arm around me.

"Harry," I sang. When he did nothing I tried again. "Birthday Boy," I tried. Nothing. I leaned up and placed my lips on his. I pulled away and his eyelashes batted. I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek. "Good morning, sleepy boy." He fully opened his eyes.

"Good morning, princess." I know I didn't like when people- like my friends and the guys- call me that, but I loved when Harry called me that. It brought butterflies to my stomach.

"Happy Birthday." He rolled his eyes. "Come on, it'll be fun. It's my first time being with you on your birthday."

"I know." He smiled. "You don't mind if later tonight we go to my mum's for dinner do you?" I wanted to meet his mum so bad. She seemed really nice- from what the boys had told me.

"I'd love to, Haz." He smiled and kissed me. I straddled him as the kiss went on. He grabbed my waist and then flipped me over. I giggled and he kissed my nose.

"You.." Harry kissed me. "Are..." Another kiss. "So.." Kiss. "Beautiful." He kissed me a little longer.

"Prove it." I whispered smiling. He chuckled and kissed me.

"HAPPY- AHHHHH." The boys yelled. We laughed at them.

For Harry's birthday we ate breakfast at the boys house. After that Harry wanted to go out to an ice skating rink so we did that also. When we got hungry Harry picked a restaurant and we ate there.

"I'm excited to meet your family." I smiled to Harry. He chuckled and grabbed my hand. We were half way there.

"They're excited to meet you." He said. I smiled and watched him as he drove.

Harry came over to my door and opened it for me. I smiled at him and he kissed me.

"You nervous?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Excited, yes. Nervous, no. I think you're the nervous one." He closed the door and we walked up the pathway.

"Maybe a little." He muttered. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He opened the door and we walked inside. I took my shoes off while he helped me with my coat.


"It's me mum." Harry replied. Not long after a middle aged woman walked out to the hall. She had mid length black hair. She wasn't too tall but not too short. Harry looked nothing like her. She was pretty for a woman of two kids.

"Happy birthday, honey." She said and hugged Harry. He smiled and tightened his arms around his mother.

"Thank you." They pulled away. His mum looked at me and smiled.

"You must be Belle. I'm Anne- his mum." I smiled and shook her hand.

"I've heard tons about you."

"Good I hope." She smiled at her son.

"The way Harry talks about you- it sounds like you have no bad things about you." Harry blushed.

"Well come in here. Dinner is almost ready." She smiled at me. Harry grabbed my hand and we went to the kitchen. There was an older man with white hair and a beard cooking. He turned and when he had seen Harry he smiled and they hugged.

"Happy birthday, son."

"Thanks. Robin this is my girlfriend Belle. Belle this is my step-father Robin." Robin smiled at me and shook my hand.

"We've heard lots about you, Belle."

"Oh, please. We've heard tons and tons and tons about her. It's like never ending. Plus, we knew something's about her since she is the Princess of England." A girl with brownish/blonde hair said. She was pretty and looked sort of like her mother. "Little brother." She said to Harry. He smiled and hugged her. As they hugged they whispered about something.

"I'm Gemma. This knuckle head's older sister." She said with her hand out to me. I smiled and shook it.

"I've heard lots about you too."

"Oh, so now you're talking about me?" She asked turning towards her brother with her hands on her hips. I smiled at the sight. This made me wish I had siblings.

"Tell us about yourself." Anne said before taking a bite of her burger.

"There's not really much to tell." I said truthfully. "By the sounds of it, I think Harry told all of you everything about me." I said and smiled towards him.

"Not everything. I left some things out."

"Like?" I asked smiling at him. He thought about it.

"Yeah," he shook his head. His curls flopped around. "I think I told you all of it." He said to his sister and mum. We all laughed.

"Can I ask you something, Harry?" Gemma asked. I looked to Harry and he was looking at his sister. "You wouldn't tell me the other day, but how did you get to meet the Princess?"

"I told you, at the park." He said. Gemma looked at me.

"It's true."

"Harry, I am taking your girlfriend out for ice cream." She said getting up from the table. She came to me and grabbed my hand. I looked at Harry a little confused and scared.

"Gem, I can't leave her."

"She'll be safe with me."

"No, Gem. I mean I seriously can't leave her without me with her. I promised her father."

"You met the King?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, and I promised him I wouldn't let his daughter go anywhere without me."

"That just ruins the whole purpose of getting to know her." Gemma said disappointed.

"How about we go get ice cream and Harry just walks a good distance behind us?" I asked. The siblings looked a each other and nodded.

"We'll be back soon, mum." Harry yelled. Harry placed my coat on me. When we were done getting ready he held his hand in mine as we walked to a car. Gemma got in the drivers side and wanted Harry in the back.

"You're the first girlfriend of my brothers that makes him so happy." I smiled and took a bite of my ice cream. "I'm serious. He is always talking about you and he seems about a hundred times happier."

"I think I'm also the first girlfriend of Harry's that is his age." We laughed and turned to Harry. He was watching closely, trying to decipher what we were saying.

"Babe," Harry whined and walked over to Gemma and I's booth. He sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Oh hush." Gemma said. "How do you cope with him?" She teased. I laughed and Harry sighed and took a bite of my ice cream. "I have to use the toilet. Do you?" She asked me. I smiled up to her and shook my head.

I felt Harry staring at me so I looked at him. He was just staring at me with a slight smile on his face. His beautiful eyes stared into my boring brown eyes.


"Your eyes are like little pools of chocolate." I laughed and turned away from him.

"You really are bored aren't you."

"I've actually always thought they looked like it. I've just never told you." He paused. "Yeeeees. I'm soooooooo bored." I smiled.

"I would've been fine." I said and placed my hand on his cheek.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone with a girl you barely knew. If something happened to you, I'd never forgive myself." He inched closer to me. "And to let the King of my country down would not be the best idea." I laughed and he smiled. Our lips pressed to each other.

Someone cleared their throat. I pulled away from Harry and looked to where the sound came from. Gemma was smiling at her brother and I. I looked down to my hands. Harry grabbed my left hand in his and laced our fingers together. I smiled and looked up to Gemma.

"Were we supposed to have a snow storm?" Harry asked interrupting Gemma. I looked at him and he looked worriedly out the cafe window. I looked and the winds had picked up and it was heavily snowing.

"We should go." I said.

"Good idea." Gemma said. Harry had laid out money on the table and we went to the car.

"We need to get you home." Harry said after we got inside his mum's. I shook my head.

"We can't drive in this weather." I said and squeezed his hand.

"She's right." Robin said.

"I'm not letting you two go out there." Anne said. I looked up at Harry and he looked down at me.

"What about your dad? I told him I'd have you back by-"

"He's fine, Harry. He'll understand." Before Harry could answer my phone had rung. I took it from my purse and answered it.


"Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?" My father asked. I smiled and looked to Harry.

"Yeah, dad. I'm fine." Harry came up to me and stood in front of me while I talked to him.

"Alright. We're getting a bad storm. Are you?" I moved the curtains and looked outside.

"Yeah. It's pretty bad."

"Are you still at Harry's parent's?"


"I don't want you two to leave, sweetheart." I looked up at Harry.

"We aren't planning on it."

"Good. Can I talk to Harry, please?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you later daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetie. Be careful." I handed my phone to Harry. He took my phone and walked away.

"Princess?" Robin asked. I walked to the front door. I stood there shocked at what I had seen. "They said they were looking for you."

"Thank you, Robin. I can take it from here." I smiled at him.

"You sure?"

"Yes, thank you." He nodded and left. I looked back at my two bodyguards.

"Your father sent us." Charlie said. I crossed my arms.

"He wanted us to make sure you're okay." Xavier said. I nodded.

"I don't want any of you messing any thing up. Got it?" They both nodded. Gemma and Anne looked at the two large men behind me. "I'm sorry. Gem and Anne these are my bodyguards." I said.

"Hello." Anne said. I looked at Xavier and Charlie.

"Hi, ma'am." Xavier said.

"Princess?" Charlie asked. I looked back at him. "I know we just got here, but can I have one of those brownies?" He asked almost drooling.

"Charlie, those are not mine. Find your manners and ask Ms Cox." I said. Charlie cleared his throat and moved his eyes to Anne.

"May I have one of those brownies, ma'am?"

"Help yourself." She smiled. He thanked her and went over to the brownies.

"Oh, these are so good." I placed my head in my hands.

"Belle, your dad-" Harry looked at Charlie and Xavier. "Um alright." He put my phone into my back pocket of my jeans.

"Hello, Mr. Styles." Xavier said. He was still in his bodyguard position- feet spread, arms in front, and eyes ahead.

"Does he always stand like that?" Gemma whispered to me.

"Yes, he always takes everything seriously." She nodded. "Xavier." I said. He turned to me.

"I'm safe, okay. We are in a safe environment. I see no guns. This isn't one of Eleanor's ball parties. Now please." I placed my hands together. "Please. Get out of that position. You are making Gemma and Anne uncomfortable." He looked at them and they were watching with amusement. Harry smiled at me as I did this. Xavier got out of his position. "Good bodyguard." I reached up and patted his head. "Now go reward yourself with a delicious brownie."

"Do they always listen to you like that?" Gemma asked smiling at me.

"Most of the time."

"Cool." Harry put his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Wanna watch some movies?" He asked. I moved my head to the side so I could see his beautiful face.

"Yeah," I whispered with a smile.

"Would you like to borrow some of my clothes?" Gemma asked.

"Sure." She smiled and hopped out of her seat. She grabbed my hand. Before she could take me anywhere Harry quickly kissed me. We ran up the stairs and into her room.

"It's probably nothing compared to what you have, but-"

"Gemma, it doesn't matter." She smiled at me and gave me some clothes.

"I really like you. You're.. Perfect for my little brother." I smiled at her. "Plus I can already tell we're going to be good friends." I raised an eyebrow.

"And you're positive about that?"

"Duh," I laughed and she joined me. "Now change so we can watch movies." I quickly put the clothes on that Gemma gave me and folded mine. She grabbed my hand and we began to go out of her room. When she turned Xavier was standing there and she screamed.

"Xavier." I sighed.

"Just doing my job, Princess."

"How did he not scare you?" She asked holding her hand to her chest. I smiled and we descended down the stairs only to run into Harry.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?" He asked examining me making sure I was okay.

"I'm fine. Xavier just scared Gemma." He looked at his sister and laughed. She hit him in the chest and walked to the couch. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers.

"By the way, Gem, these hands," Harry held my hands up to her. "Are mine to hold. Not yours." I smiled and sat on the couch next to Gemma.

"Xavier didn't scare me because I'm used to it."

"I'd never get used to that." She said. Harry placed his arms around me and held me close to him. I snuggled to him and he kissed my head.

"Mum. Robin. Are you going to watch?" Harry asked.

"No thank you." Robin replied. I looked behind me and Xavier stood behind us.

"Xavier. Would you like something to eat as well?" Anne asked him.

"No thank you, ma'am."

"Anne? Are you making Charlie something to eat?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "You really don't have to do that."

"Oh, no. That's fine sweetheart." She smiled and turned into the kitchen.

"Xavier, back down. I'm fine." Harry chucked. Gemma finally picked a movie and it began. I think Harry got bored throughout the film because he began to play with my hair and then he drew designs with the pads of his fingers into my side. I didn't mind though.

"I'm going to get some more popcorn. You want anything?" He asked.

"Shut up." Gemma said not taking her eyes off the screen. I smiled and looked to Harry who was sticking his tongue out at her. "Put it back in your mouth." I leaned away from him as he got up. He leaned down and kissed me.

"Is the movie done?" I heard Anne ask her son. I heard a cupboard open and then the microwave turn on.

"Kiss her." Gemma said to the screen. The guy grabbed the girl's wrist and spun her into him. As they were about to kiss the telly turned off, along with everything else.

"Babe?" Harry called. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I heard multiple crashes as Harry tried coming to the couch.

"I'm fine, Haz."

"Are you sure?"

"Harry, the power just went off. She didn't fall and cut her head open." Gemma said.

"Gemma, your brother is just trying to make sure she's fine." Anne said. "Are you alright Isabelle?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Babe, put your hand out." Harry said. I did and after a few seconds his hand found mine. He laced his fingers with mine and then sat down next to me. "You're fine?" He whispered. In the dark I could only make out some of his beautiful features. I put my hand on his cheek.

"I'm fine, baby." I whispered. He pulled me into his lap. I put my elbow on the back of the couch and played with the hair on the nape of Harry's neck. He rested his head on my chest. Soon a flashlight came on. I squinted and Harry groaned.

"Let me go see if I can get the generator." Robin said.

"Charlie, go with him." I said.

"Already on it, Princess." Charlie said back in his bodyguard mode.

"They are so well trained."

"My father only has the best for me." I mumbled.

"Because he wants you safe- which I agree with him." Harry said. Soon Robin and Charlie came in.

"No generator. The door knob is frozen."

"Well," Gemma sighed. "It's an early night for me. Goodnight everyone."

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Anne said.

"Night, honey." Robin said.

"Night." Harry said.

"Night." I said. "Gem?" I called.


"If you need company just call for one of the guards."

"Ha. Ha." She laughed some more as if I said the funniest thing in the world.

Harry and I sat in the same position for a while as we talked about anything.

"Goodnight, love birds." Robin said.

"Night." Harry and I both said.

"Well there's no point in lighting candles if everyone's going to bed." Anne said. "Goodnight." She said with a smile.

"Goodnight, mum. Love you." She leaned down and kissed Harry's head.

"Love you, sweetheart."

"Goodnight, Anne. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"No problem, sweetie." I smiled at her and then she went upstairs. I looked behind me and Charlie and Xavier were discussing something.

"Are you tired?" Harry asked pushing some hair off my shoulder.

"A bit." He smiled. "Want to just go lay in my bed?" I nodded. I got off his lap and he stood up after me. He placed his hands on my hips and we began walking.

"Goodnight, boys. Love you." I told Xavier and Charlie.

"Goodnight, Princess. Love you." They chorused.

"If anyone needs anything, please help them. They've been so kind to let us stay."

"Will do." Xavier nodded. I smiled to them and we walked up the stairs. Harry shut his door behind us.

"Hold on, babe." Harry said. His phone light went on, shining a light to his bed. He pulled back the sheets and we got under them.

Harry got up after remembering something. I watched his figure as he found matches and some candles. He lit them and put them around the room.

"It'll be more romantic for when we talk." I laughed and he got into bed next to me. We laid face to face. His hand rested on my waist, drawing circles into my skin.

"How was your birthday?" I whispered. We were so close that our lips brushed against each others as we spoke.

"Fine." He smiled.

"It would've been better if Gemma and I didn't sit at a booth for two hours and talk, right?" Harry didn't answer. "You know it would've been and I'm sorry for that."

"Don't be. It made my day- you and Gemma talking and getting along. She usually didn't do that with my past girlfriends."

"I guess she likes me then." I smirked.

"She does- I think why is because you aren't old." I giggled as he tickled me a bit. "She gave me the approval." I laughed.

"What?" I asked when he kept staring at me with a smile on his lips.

"You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life."

"Stop." I whispered with a blush.

"I'm serious, Belle." He put his hand on my cheek, he then leaned closer and kissed me. "I love you, so much." I smiled.

"I love you too, Harry." He kissed me again.


It's a little long, but it took me a while to write.

Love, El

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