Juugo Taka: Attorney at Law

mobile: 363-555-2121

office: 665-555-2521

fax: 252-555-6261

i looked at the card for a long time, wondering why he left it. i looked at the bill. nope. just the bill and this card. couldn't have been left here by accident. i dont wanna assume any thing but....i got a text.

hinata: where the hell are you?! i texted you the room like an hour ago!

i didn't really have time to think about it so i just put it in my wallet. i headed up to the room.

i knocked on the door. i waited. some footsteps and the door opened, revealing hinata and ino in some pjs. "where the hell were you?" asked hinata. "bar," i said flatly. "you better have met some hunks or you aren't coming in here," said hinata. "what?! i only had like three Arnold palmers and...." i trailed off, a blush appearing on my cheeks. i scratched my head nervously. they looked at each other, then back at me. "in here. now," hinata grabbed my arm and pulled me inside as ino shut the door.

i was surrounded by women as i took a seat on the bed. "spill it," demanded ino. "who is this-" ino shhhed the girl who spoke up. her, sakura, ten ten, and hinata looked at me with wide eyes like my next words would be the gospel. "spill it," demanded hinata. "like i said, i got three Arnold palmers and....." i trailed off again, that blush returning. "frisk him," said sakura. i blinked a few times. "wait...wh-" they were all over me. i was down to my undies in seconds. they looked through my jeans, my shirt, my socks, and my shoes. "what are you all looking for?" i asked. "drugs," said ino as she double checked my pants. i sighed. "i didn't get any drugs. i got three Arnold palmers and..." i pulled out my wallet and took out the business card. "this," i said. someone tried to take it but i didn't let them. "no. mine," i put it in my wallet. i might call him. no. im lying. im not gonna call him. "call him," said ten ten. i shook my head. "he obviously gave you his number, john. call him, now," said hinata. "what? this is just a business card. he isn't even gay or anything," i said. they all gave me knowing looks. "stop being a bitch and man up!" said sakura. i shook my head. "im not calling him. he probably put it there on accident," i argued. "tsk...like he put it there on accident. he left it there on purpose cause he wants you to call him," said ino. i scooted back on the bed. "lets talk about something else. i dont wanna think about this," i said. all the girls got in the California king with me. it was me and 8 girls in the same bed. sounds like a wet dream for sasuke. "fine. we are gonna play truth or dare then," ino said. they all formed a circle that included me. "who is going first?" asked the blond haired woman. "you temari. its your party so you go first," said one of the other three girls. i assume the blond haired woman was temari. she grinned, looking at me. "truth or dare, john," she asked. all of them looked at me. i already have an idea of what the dare is. "truth," i said. "do you prefer to pitch or catch?" she asked. "pitcher all day. 100% top over here," i said. she nodded, motioning to me. "hinata, truth or dare?" i asked. "dare cause i have lady balls," she said. "i dare you too....slap temari in the face," i barely got the words out before she smacked the shit outta her. everyone gasped. temari's jaw dropped before twisting into a grimace. "you done done it now, bitch. first you take my man and now you gonna slap me?" temari growled. hinata shrugged. "i just did the dare. not that i didn't enjoy it though," temari grabbed a hand full of her hair as they started fighting. i sighed. that should keep em busy for a while.

a full hour of them fighting, twister, monopoly, strip poker, and spin the bottle before they all settled down and we watched tv. i sighed. i managed to keep the attention off me so that was good. i got up and headed to my bag. i put on some shorts and a tee. i grabbed my wallet and phone and went back to the bed. another hour and most of the fell asleep. i just laid there with my hands behind my head. it was....boring. really boring. definitely not what its cracked up to be. am i regretting this? it wasn't all bad. i decided to wait till they all fell asleep before i called him. i saw ino, the last one, finally nod off. i carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom. i closed the door quietly, making sure i woke no one. i laid on the bathroom floor as i dialed his mobile number.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora