Chapter Ten: Message To Melody

Start from the beginning

"No, not this, not you." I sob, leaning over and cradling him in my arms. "Not now, don't die!" I cry, "Don't leave me."

I hear someone trying to come up the stairs, Renee yelling at the top of her lungs.

"We don't have much time. Here," he tossed me a dagger. "Kill me,"

"I can't,"



"If you kill me he may be able to live!"

I lifted my head at the sound of hope. I stared at him, he was dead serious. I grabbed the dagger, "Fine."

I paused before acting, the tears trailing down my cheek.


I cried, my eyes closed yet sobbing miserably. I pulled my arm back and screamed as I thrust my arm forward, the dagger cutting through the air.

I heard a moan, a sound of skin ripping apart and a loud crack, then a thud. I opened my eyes and reluctantly crawled to the edge of the bed and peered over.

Mark lay on the ground, the dagger jutting out of his chest, blood gushing out of the wound. My first thought was if I could do that with my eyes closed, imagine what I could do if I was actually looking. He was sure as dead.


I fumbled back over to Chris and cradled his face in my hands.

"Chris, don't die, breathe, please, wake up." I felt the tears returning and I hugged his limp body. "Wake up," I whispered desperately. "Wake up!" I yelled.

Nothing was working, till I thought of it.

I lay him flat on his back and tilt his head back. I proceed with the steps to CPR, and even though they (whoever is in charge of making this discovery) claimed it was unnecessary, I still used mouth to mouth in hope it may help.

I try to calm myself as best as I can and I manage to stop panicking, the tears falling occasionally. I'm at this for about ten minutes straight and no progress yet. I'm about to give up and rip the dagger out of Mark and stab myself, and I almost do.

The dagger is soaked in blood yet I completely disregard this. I'm sitting next to Chris on my knees, the daggers point right over the spot where my heart is. I gulp and try to avoid looking at Chris, but just as I'm about to cut my line I glance down and I burst into tears, dropping the dagger next to me. "Shit- why can't I do this?" I yell angrily at myself.

I look back at Chris and I lean over him. I stare at his limp body and become determined to try once more.

I repeat the steps once more and I pause, but not for long before breathing into his mouth.

No response and I give up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Chris." I leaned over and kissed him.

His lips were warm. I felt a hand on my back, no, two. They slid tighter around me and soon I was lying on top of him. I was still caressing his face in my hands and his skin became warmer. His chest began rising and falling and I felt a wave of joy overcoming me.

I pulled away, still crying, but now out of joy. "You're alive!"

"You mean I've been dead?"

I nod, "For the past half hour."

His eyes widen. "Are you okay?"

I stare down into his eyes, now full of life. "I tried to kill myself." I began to laugh. "It was actually quite pathetic."

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