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I finally discovered how to explain the word perfect. Just with three words; Niall James Horan. He's cute, funny, sweet, weird, and just perfect.

I mean, Paris? Are you kidding me? My life feels like some kind of fan fiction, it feels to perfect to be true.

I should probably tell Ash, Luke, Cal, Mikey, mom, dad and Tom… Nah they'll wait. But I have to tell someone... Ashton, obvious.


"Yes, my dear fiancé" Niall says making me smile.

"Is it ok if I give Ashton a call?"

"Sure babe"

I give Niall a quick kiss, grab my phone and dial Ashtons number, looking at my ring. Can we just have a little moment to enjoy it? It’s silver with a couple of diamantes, and it has: ‘Hi Isa, I love you’ engraved in it.

"Hellooo" I hear Ashton say.

"Hi Ash..."

"Hey Is, what’s up with my Braussie?”  

"I'm breaking my promise to you guys"

"Which one, we have like a thousand promises"

"The one about us marrying each other"

"Oh that one, wait... what?"

"Niall proposed to me... underneath the Eifel tour, and it was perfect and I said yes, but now I'm breaking my promise, but I really love Niall and I just-…”

"Isa, I'm glad you broke it with Niall" Ashton says cutting me off.

"I feel so bad"

"Don't. We still love you, no matter what. We know Niall is your little prince charming"

"Thanks Ash. I love you"

"I love you too, but when Niall hurts you, I have to kill him, do you understand?”

“I understand” I say, "Bye Ash"

"Bye Isa soon to be Horan"


Thanks for reading, I love you <3

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