Chapter Thirty-One

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WEEHOOO MACKLEMORE WAS SOOOOOOO AWESOME. He's like the master of the thrift shop, and then he sang same love and I cried and then I had a couple of more beers. I like beer, it's jummy. Nomnom beer beer.

"You're really pretty you know that" some dude says while he walks me home.

"I know that's what Niall told me. And Ashton. I looovee Ashton"

"Who's Ashton"

"My friend, but we kissed. But ssssttt don't tell Nialler. He doesn't know"

"Listen girl, we’re going to do this quick, because my girl can’t know, ok?

"We have a Wii we could do Just Dance and then dance on one of Nialls songs"

"Who the fuck is Niall"

"He's from... Uhm... that band... they all go the same way"

"One Direction?"

"YES OH MY GOD YOU ARE SOOOO SMART" I say balancing on the edge of the sidewalk.



Food... Maybe I'll marry that if it just doesn't work out with me and girls.

I walk back to the park and sit down on the exact same place.

What time is it? Half past twelve... What am I even doing here? I'll wait until one o'clock and if Isa isn't nearby by then I'll go to the hotel. Yeah, that sounds good.

"Are you parents at home?" I hear a low voice say.

"Nope" a girl answers.

"Well, maybe we could have some fun"

"Yeah, we could play a video game like Radged and Clank, or maybe a board game"

"It's a good thing you're pretty, because you aren't smart at all"

Wait, wait, wait... I know that voice. The girl voice, not the weird really low and American male one. I turn around and see Isa balancing on the edge of the sidewalk. She looks like some hipster, I like hipster Isa, but next time she’s being a hipster she doesn’t have to be this drunk. Yeah, she’s drunk… REALLY drunk.

"Get your keys and let's go upstairs" the lad says.

Wait he can't do that to her. She isn't some play doll. He can't use her like that. And she isn't stupid, she's really smart.

"Got them" Isa says but drops them.

"Urgh, do I have to do everything myself?" The lad grabs the keys and puts opens the door, "pretty girl, come. I have to be back home in two hours, or my girlfriend will get suspicious"

"I am on my way" Isa says twirling around like some ballerina but she fails and falls down, and starts giggling.

She's pretty cute when she's drunk. She's giggling and acting weird the whole time.

"hey… girl, come" the lad says but stubborn Isa won't come. He walks towards her, grabs her wrist and pulls her rough off the ground.

"Listen girl, you and I are going to have a great night or I'll kill you, ok?"

"Noooo don't kill me, Niall and I have to get married"

See, that's why I love her. Wait, back to reality Niall, you should do something. He can't... do things with her.

"SHUT UP" the lad yells and hits Isa so hard in the face, that I can hear it. And that's it, don't care who or what he is, hitting girls is not ok, and especially not when it’s Isa.

"DUDE, get your hands of my girl” I yell while I run towards Isa as fast as I can.

"And who are you"

"Her boyfriend" I lie, but in my head I wish it wasn’t a lie.

"NIIAAALLLL" Isa yells and starts dancing and giggling.

"Get the fuck out of my face, or I'll call the cops" I tell the lad.

"Like you stupid leprechaun would do that"

"Watch me"

"Oooh I'm so scarred, look at me I'm a poor American who is scarred of a leprechaun"

Yepp, that’s it, you better protect your face boy, because you’re about to be beaten up. Let’s hope he isn’t some secret super hero and that he doesn’t kill me…


Urgh, that hurts… a lot. Oh well, he’s gone now, he can’t do anything to Isa.

“Come babe, let’s put you into your bed” I say while I open the door and get Isa upstairs.

“Noooo Niall, why can’t we dance in the park”

“Isa, I love you, but you’re drunk”

“I love you mooorreeee”

I bring her towards her bed, and within a minute she’s asleep. I pull the sheets over her body and turn off the light.

“Good night Isa” I whisper and close her door, before I leave her house, back to my hotel.


Meh, bit short hope you liked badass Nialler :


But let's just not talk about Story Of My Life, bc my opinion about it is just... Zayn 


Well, I'm going to update Patient Love and leave a little song on the side

oh well

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