Chapter Thirty-Five

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Bad news, Niall has to get back to the others, because they need to record the new album. I really can't believe how hard these boys work. They've just brought out they're second album, they're doing a world tour and they're already recording their third album, that's coming out THIS year. I'm already half death when I get back from school where I don’t do anything, let go of a tour and recording an album at one day.

"Why can't I just go with you?" I ask while I lay my hands in Niall neck.

"I don't know. Sometimes I just really hate the management"

"Me too. But you will be back in LA soon right?"

"Well, after the tour we'll be in the US for a while, but I don't know if we will be nearby..."

"But how long is that going to take?"

"I don't know, probably a month, maybe two"

"So I won't get to see you the upcoming month?"

"I'm really sorry"

"Why did you ask me to be your girlfriend if I won't see you for two months? Niall, you'll forget about me, and act like nothing happened"

"No Isa, I asked it because I love you. We're going to make this relationship work ok. I promise" Niall says lifting my chin, looking into my eyes.

I nod and give him a kiss.

"Niall, your cab is here" Tom says and I quickly let go of Niall.

"Isa, it's fine, they already know" Niall says, getting a questioning look from me.

"Mister pop star asked us if it was ok to ask you to be his little girly friend" 

"You really did that?" I ask Niall as he nods cute, "Niall, that's so cute"

"I'm not cute" Niall mumbles.

"Yes you are" I say kissing him again.


"Bye, love you" Niall says getting into the yellow cab.

"Love you too" I say as he closes the door.

My sleeves are all up to my hands, as I keep myself from crying. I'd never thought it would be this hard to say goodbye to someone. I never cry when someone leaves, accept for that time when I was moving to LA. I almost cried my eyes out for a month. I was a lonely eight year old, don't blame me.

Then suddenly the cab stops, Niall jumping out of it, and running towards me.

"Niall did you forget someth-" I start but get cut off by Nialls lips. He lifts me off the ground, while our lips move in sync.

"Don't forget about me when you're with the boys ok" he asks putting me back on the ground.

"Only if you don't forget about me, with all those girls"

"I never would"

"Then we've got a deal" I say kissing him softly. "Now go"

"Right, love you bye" he says running back to the cab, waving and getting in.

Isn't he the cutest person you've ever seen? Urgh, I already miss him. His smell, voice, laugh, hugs. Oh my god, I'm turning into the stereotype girlfriend after only six days. I'm so pathetic. Instead of thinking how pathetic I am, I should come up with a good way to ask my parents to stay with the boys...

I walk back into the building that I'd like to call my house, while it's actually an apartment building. I'm weird, I know. I get back upstairs, to my apartment thing... No house sounds better.

"Hey Isa darling, are you ok?" My mum asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I need to ask you something"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Where is dad?"

"In his office"

"Alright thanks"

Yeah I know, I should've asked, but my dad is most likey to say yes. So I'll ask him.

"Daadddyyyy" I say walking into his little office.

"Yeh princes"

"You like Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael right?"

"Yeah, there good boys"


"You wanted to stay with them the upcoming month because they have a house nearby"

"I was wondering.... Wait how do you know?"

"They first asked me"

"Ah why is everyone so nice?"

"Oh and did you say yes to Niall?"

"Of course I did, but is it ok, if I stay with them?"

"If Niall doesn't mind you and the boys in one house, I'm fine with it"

"Alrigh, cool, thanks dad. Love ya" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek and skipping out of his office.

That went well. I guess I'm going to live with the boys.


I smell like grapefruit, blueberries, white/yellow flowers and other stuff, and i just LOOOOOOVE it :)

Oh well, so I said that I wanted a fanfiction life, but there's a bit to much drama going on here in Meykelandia, so I take that fanfioction thing back. Gosh, you have no idea...


So yeah... if there's anyone who wants to give me a present for my birthday, i want Zayn, or this is us, or our moment, or just Zayn... Zayn is also ok :)

So Zayn it is? Yeah? Cool


Oh and the Jonas BRothers are officiously done...

bye I'm going to cry, and smell my arm bc of the grapefruit/blueberries/all those other things bye :))))

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