Chapter Fourty

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And just when you say that you would never drink again, you get drunk and puke in the sink. Yeah that's what happened to this girl over here. It got a bit out of hand and we all got drunk. Luke and I ended up puking, I think Harry peed in the pool, Zayn lost a shoe, and Michael decided to dye his hair even more blue than it already was. Well I can tell you that it's still very blue. So yeah we had a sick night, and I had loads of fun, even though Lukey and I had a puke party.

"Babe, my head is going to explode" Niall says with a really hot raspy morning voice that gets me out of my thoughts.

"If that happens, you have to clean it yourself"

"Urgh... Why is it so light in here?"

Niall pulls the cover over his head, and curls up into a little ball.

"Princes, you have a lovely pans"

"Thanks" I say and stick my leg out under the covers to see what pans I'm wearing. It's a blue one with weird space things on it, I think it'd Ashtons maybe Michaels, don't know. I borrow everyone’s cloths, and no-one is allowed to care.

"I think it's from Ashton"

"Why do you have Ashtons pans? Have you two done naughty things?" Niall says sticking his heat out.

"Jak no, Niall. You dirty minded boy" I say hitting him on the head.

"Aw! Good because otherwise I had to kill him"

"I wouldn't let you"

"Alright I won't kill him... Yet"


"Sorry babe, love ya" he says trying to kiss me, but he gets rejected.

"Aha common give me a little kiss?" He nags but when I don't kiss him he starts to tickle me. Urgh now he knows my weak point.

"NIALL, AAH, STOP IT, NIALL" I yell but he won't stop.

"Dude, Niall stop raping Isa" I hear Louis yell and Niall just goes straight red and stops.

"Thank you" I say and give Niall a kiss.

"I'm going to get you some water and a little pill thing, alright?"

"Thank you, girlfriend"

"You're welcome, boyfriend"

Urgh, such a horrible word. Why can't there be another word that isn't used in a Bieber song? Like... I don't know, unicorn? Right, Niall is my unicorn, that sounds better.

"If I was your unicorn I'd never let you go.

I can take you places you've never been before.

Baby take a chance for you never ever know

I got glitters in my hand that I really like to throw"

That does indeed sound horrible in a song, so it's a perfect word to use instead of Boyfriend.


"GOOD MORNING LOVE DOVES" I hear Calum yell while Niall and I walk into the living room.

"Calum, shut up before I cut your balls of and make you eat them" I tell him as we sit down on the couch.

"Sorry Isa, love ya"

The living room, kitchen and yard are such a mess. There are red cups everywhere, food, broken balloons and loads of other things on the ground. It's going to take ages to clean this up.

"Guys how are we going to clean this up?" I ask after a couple of seconds.

"Uhm... Maybe we can hire some clean person" Luke predicts.

"That's going to cost a million"

"Then we're having a clean party"

"Wait, another party?" Niall asks.

"Just a cleaning one, Niall, only cleaning on hard music"

"Alright then"

After another hour of chilling, doing nothing and having something to eat, everyone is awake and we decide to start out clean party. Starting with us all rapping to Macklemore, while we clean the living room.


Two and a half hours later and we're still not done. The living room is clean, and the half of the yard. We're still waiting for the pool to empty, because of Harry's piss and some alcohol. The fact that Harry did that is so gross, I don't think I'll be swimming in the pool anytime soon.

"GUYS I NEED A BREAK" I yell out of the blue.

"Go and be lazy, I'm not going to stop, otherwise we still won't be done tonight" Ashton says.

"Aight, have fun"

"I'M COMING WITH YOU" Zayn says while we walk outside.

"How I love this couch" I say as I let myself fall down, "Zaaayynnn..."

"Yeah" Zayn answers with his weird Bradford accent.

"Have you seen Niall?"

"Nope, he wasn't helping with the pool, right?"

"Nope, I'm gonna look for him" I say as I get up and walk towards the bedrooms.

I first take a look into the rooms of the boys, and their bathrooms, then the guest room, and I end with my room. I open up the door, finding a sleeping Niall in a dark room.

Ah, isn't he the cutest person you've ever seen? Yes he is, cute Niall is cute.

I close the door and walk back to the living room, with a huge smile on my face.

"Zayn, you know where he was?" I say but don't get an answer, only a little snore.

Ah he also fel asleep. Why are there boys so cute when they sleep? I wonder how I look when I sleep. Probably like some monster, because when I wake up, I sometimes scare myself. I hope Niall is fine with me looking like a monster, not that I care.

AN: weyhey so many chapurz :) sorry if there are any mistakes

oh well so yeah there's some drama on it's way, cool huh :)

my awesome friend @snowfloks posted a new story, go and check it out :)


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