Chapter Twenty

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I play the final chords and wait for Niall to say something, but he keeps quiet. Dude, Niall. Say something. Laugh, cry, yell, I don't care what you do, just do something.


“Niall…”I say like I am super relaxed. Not that I am because I’m flipping my shit. Gosh I want to know what he thought of it, but noooooo mister Irishman has to keep quiet.

“Niall… what’d you think?” I ask, still not getting any reaction.

“URGH NIALL” I throw something at his head, he startles and turns around with a smile from here to London on his face.

“What?” he asks like my song didn’t ever happen.

Gosh, what is wrong with this guy? Why do I even get all these ‘feels’, as you Directioners name them.

“The song…?”

“The song and your voice are beautiful. And so are you when you play”

“Really…? Wow, wait, what? YOU LOOKED? NIAALLL”

“Sorry I couldn’t help it. We both know I’m really curious”

“But you promised”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it”

“URGH, I’m never going to do something like this ever again for you”

“Nooooo Isaaaaaaaa. Please don’t. You’re pretty when you play”

“Don’t say that”

“No, I am saying that. Now sit down and let me play something for you”

“URGH. Fine” I say and obey.

“You can look, judge, move and breathe. Do whatever you want” Niall says while we switch places.

He grabs the guitar and starts playing, but stops after the first chord.

“Oh, I’ve never really sang this without the boys, so you should feel special, ok?”

“Ok, I will”


“Don't try to make me stay

Or ask if I'm okay

I don't have the answer

Don't make me stay the night

Or ask if I'm alright

I don't have the answer”

Why is this boy so asdfghjkl cute when he sings? He already convinced me with the fact that he plays guitar, and the singing part also helped, but I never knew he was that cute.

“Heartache doesn't last forever

I'll say I'm fine

Midnight ain't no time for laughing

When you say goodbye

It makes your lips so kissable

And your kiss unmissable

Your fingertips so touchable

And your eyes irresistible”

I feel a weird feeling coming up in my stomach and I have the feeling that my body is melting.

Through the song, we don’t break any eye contact, which makes me even weaker.

“So….?” He asks when he’s done with the song.

“I…. it’s…”

Yes, I am speechless. Maybe it’s because of Niall, maybe because of the song, maybe even both. I’ve never had this, never in my life, why now? All because of a boy? He isn’t that special right?  He’s just a guy, from Ireland, who happens to be a part of the world’s famous boy band. Yeah ok that’s not like really normal, but why does he make me feel like this? No one ever did, accept for now…

“Isa, is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?” Niall says getting me out of my thought.

“You did nothing wrong. The song… it was beautiful”

“Thank you” he says with a smile on his face. He gets up, walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

“It was really beautiful” I tell him again.

“Thank you for letting me be the first one to hear the song”

We pull out of our hug, but my arms stay in his neck, and his arms around my waits. We stay quiet while we look into each other’s eyes, our faces slowly getting closer. My body almost exploding because of all these feelings. Right at the moment when our lips almost touch, flies the door open, four happy boys walking in and Niall and I quickly stepping back, breaking eye contact.

“Helloooo, we have food” Michael yells happy, not knowing what was going on.

“So, what did these little kids do while we were gone?”

“Nothing” Niall says quickly.

A sigh of relief leaves my mouth. He can’t tell anyone, no one needs to know. Not the boys, my parents, and not even Tom.  NO-one. No-one.

“Sounds awesome. Who wants one of my kip nuggets?”



Aaaaaand the moment is ruined, thanks a lot guys. Urgh, now things between Isa and I are going to be all awkward and the chance that I will ever really kiss her just dropped down to zero. It was such a perfect moment, and they had to ruin it. It’s not that I hate them now, but I’m not really amused. Maybe it’s better to go back to the hotel. I’ll say that Liam needs me, or whatever. I don’t like lying but it’s for the best now. I can’t stay here.

I grab my pone, make sure the sound is turned off, and pretend that it’s ringing.

“Sorry, I’ll be right back” I say and walk towards the hallway.

I pretend to have a conversation, but think about a good, realistic way to get out of here.

Ok I’ll tell her that is was the management and that they need to talk to me, but won’t tell me about what. That sounds realistic right? Yeah, I think it does.

I’m so sorry Isa, that I’m about to lie to you, but it’s for the best.

“Who was it?” Isa asks when I walk back.

“The management, they want to talk to me”

“Oh, ok”

“Sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”


And yupp, she hates me. Good job Niall.

I give her a hug, say bye to everyone and leave. How am I ever going to explain this…


sorry, i need to dance on BSE , brb


and now i need to sing a long with How Ya Doin


aannnd done, so here is chapter 20 if you hadn't noticed yet. Sorry, again, of screwing up, I'm blonde. Oh well, I'm going to write again bc my head if full of awesome ideas (:

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