Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Ashton..." I tap him on the shoulder when he walks off the stage.

"Hii" he says happy.

"Can we talk for a minute, please"


Ashton cleans the sweat of his body and takes a huge glass of water. He changed his shirt and walks with me. Ieeks he's all sweaty and gross. I hate sweat.

"What's up princes?" He asks when we're at the end of a large hallway.


"I haven't seen him all day"

"He was acting really weird. Like he wasn't happy to see me. But he told me he missed me, so I really don't get him"

"But he told you he wasn't feeling well, right?"


"So I don't think there is anything to worry about"

"But what if he saw... you know... us?"

"There was no one there, he can't have seen us"

"Let's just hope"

We walk back to the dressing room, finding a half-naked Luke, which I don't mind because, just look at him. Back to what I was seeing, a half dead Calum and a relaxed, but sweaty Michael.

"Where you making out again?" Michael jokes.

I look at Ashton, as he looks at me. Both questioning looks on our faces.

"Always, 24/7" Ashton jokes back.

He can't know right, no-one was there. No-one could've seen our kiss, no-one.

"Isa you ok" Luke asks me poking my cheek.

"Yes, yeah, I'm fine"

"Alright, cool"



You know the problem? I like Ashton, he's my friend, and I still like Isa. But I also hate them. Ashton, because of him I can't be with Isa. And Isa, for not telling me, and for dating Ashton, and for making me still like her a bit, for making me feel like the kiss was nothing. Maybe this whole friendship thing just wasn't meant to be, maybe we should've never run into each other, so all this wouldn't have happened.

"Niall, are you good to go?" Harry asks me getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"30 SECONDS" someone yells.

"Wait, Niall" I hear Isa yell.

Urgh no, not now. Common, just leave me alone for a second..

"What" I say annoyed.

"Good luck"


"10 SECONDS" the man yells again. 

"Bye" she says smiling and walking away.



"Bye" I say smiling and walk away.

Gosh, not to happy mister. What's wrong with him? Urgh, I just hope he doesn't fuck up his performance.

"Hey" Ashton says while he lays his arm on my shoulder.


"How did it go?"

"He's still... I don't know... Acting weird"

"Ah It's going to be fine, I promise" Ashton says while the music starts.


They are sooooo good live. I never realized that. And they music is really catchy. I like it.

Stop Isa, don't become a Directioner. I don't think you want to cry of happiness when you them.

No, indeed, I don't.

"Thank you so much for having us tonight. We're One Direction. Thank you" Liam says as the crowd goes crazy.

The boys make a bow and run off stage, while all the fans yell that they want more.

'We want more' is actually pretty weird. They never mention what they want, they just want more. In some situations it's logic what they want, like now. But sometimes it's not, not at all.

"You coming Isa? It's going to be busy here" Calum says.

"Yeah, coming"


"Great show guys" Michael says high-fifing Harry, who's really sweaty, just like they all are actually...

"You were awesome" I tell Niall.

"Yeah, thanks" he says not even carting about me, acting like I'm some fan who says he's amazing.

"Niall, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just tired"

"Sure, whatever you want to make yourself think"

"Like I'm the only one who has a secret"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you're stupid, because I know you're not" he says walking away.

"What was that about?" Ashton asks me.

"I have no idea"



Gosh, George Shalley is so cute :) Maybe I'll marry him is it's not going to work out with Zayn, Harry, Ashton, Luke, and loads of other people

Well, I'm off to work, bye :)

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