Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Do I need to dress fancy?" I ask Niall, who's currently lying on my bed and playing some guitar while I'm looking for something to wear to our date tonight. Yes I am going on a date with Niall, you're allowed to be jealous.

“Only if you want to, I wouldn't mind tho" Niall answers.

"Just say yes or no"

"Uhm... Then I'll go for the yes"

"Thank you"

"You could also just be a hipster, like yesterday"


"Because you looked cute"

"Thanks, but hipster isn't fancy"

"True, true"

Niall told me what happened last night. That some weird lad walked me home but had... rather nasty thoughts with me. But Niall was there to save me, that's why he has a black eye. He just literally fought for me, that's actually really sweet.

"Niaallll..." I say while I'm in the bathroom.


"Can you come in here for a second?"

"Only for a second" he says walking in.

"Close your eyes" I tell him and he obeys. I grab some foundation and cover his black eye with it.

"The paps don't need to know"

"Babe, that's so smart of you, thanks" he says while he looks into the mirror.

"You're welcome" I say pecking him on the cheek.



Guess who's going on a date with the most beautiful girl in the world? THIS BOY WOOOH. I just hope that it all goes well and we won't ignore all this when I'm gone. Because I don't know if I can ignore this any longer.

"Niall" Isa says when I'm back into her bedroom.


"Uhm my parents... "

"What's up with them?"

"They can't really know about this"

"What do you mean?"

"About what happened last night, and… us"


"They always say that if I want to date a guy they have to know him, and like him a bit"

"That won't be a problem then, because you know I'm a really nice person"

"I know, but they can be harsh..."

"Babe, I'll do anything to make you happy"

Isa stays silence and sits down next to me.

"Maybe it's better if we just don't tell anyone. Accept for Ash and his emo's and the boys"

"They're no emo's"

"Michael is has blue hair”

“I know, but that doesn’t make him an emo”

“True... But you get my point"

"Whatever makes you happy" Isa says and gives me a soft kiss. 

"Well, it would make me happy if you'd come with me to Starbucks because I'd love to have some coffee"

"Me too, you pay" she says getting up, grabbing my hand.

"Whatever you want babe" I say and give her a kiss before we leave her room.


DUDE THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT, sorreh  for the late update, was a bit busy today school, work...

PLOT TWIST IM THE FEMALE/NONSINGING/DUTCH/loads of other stuff version of Niall, bc he's left handed but plays right handed guitar, and plays golf with his right hand, and he likes to eat, and he likes his band mates and 5sos. But I'm also left handed but do most of the stuff with my right hand, and i like to eat and i like 1D and 5sos so I decided that I'm the female version of niall... sounds logic right?

oh well good night, hope you liked this chapter, although it was short and boring


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