Chapter Thirty-Eight

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AN: yooo I think i'm going back to random updates, bc i really need to write loads of chapters so i can do daily updates again. I'll do 1 update over 2 days, so there will be like 3/4 updates a week, ok? ok!



Urgh, what the heck is that noise? Why doesn't it stop? Someone let it stop, please. Urgh, comon.

I open my eyes. It's pretty dark but my ringing phone, that happened to be the noise, that lights up the room.

"With Isa?" I say with a raspy voice.

"Hey babe" Niall says while there appears a smile on my face.

"Hii, why are you calling me so late? I was asleep"

"I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday"

"Ah that's sweet, but you have to wait two more minutes, till its twelve o'clock"

"I know. So tell me, were you dreaming of me?"

"Can't remember, but I think I probably was"

"I wish I could be with you now"

"Maybe I can visit you once while you're on tour"

"Yeah, maybe you can come with us when we're doing the stadium tour in Europe"

"If we're still dating by then"

"We are"

"If you say so"

"It's almost twelve o'clock..."

"Meh, I'm gonna be so old"

"Nineteen isn't old"

"True, but still..."

"When you're ninety, you're allowed to say that you’re old old, not when you're... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Thanks" I say as Niall starts to sing for me.

Ah isn't he cute. Yes he is, he is cute.

"Ah thanks cutie, that was beautiful" I tell him when he's done.

"Now go back to sleep"

"Alright, bye"

"Bye birthday girl" Niall says and hangs up.

I turn my phone off and turn around in my warm bed, closing my eyes, ready to go back to sleep with a smile on my face.

Just when I'm at the edge of sleeping the boys walk in with hats, and guitars. They turn on the light, making me go blind, while they all sing a special version of happy birthday for me.

"Yo yo it's a birthday" Ashton starts to rap while they all jump on my bed.

"Swek swek birthday"

"Urgh, guys I get it" I say as I burry my face into my pillow.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISA POO" they all yell when there finally done singing, rapping, jumping and whatever they were doing.

"Thanks, now get out because I need my sleep, I don't want to be grumpy on my birthday" I say while I get kisses on the cheeks from everyone.

"Love you little Isa" Luke says while hugs me.

"Out, now"

"BYE POO HEAD" Calum yells before they leave my room.

Finally peace. But no, Ashton decided to walk back in and lay down next to me.

"What do you want Ash?" I ask.

"Are we the first one to wish you a happy birthday?" He whispers.

"No, Niall was first"

"Dammit Niall, next year we will be the first ok?"

"If that's what makes you happy"

"Yes it does, bye love you little Isa" he says hugging me and leaving the room again.



"Good morning, poopoo" Calum says while I walk into the with flags and balloons decorated livingroom.

"Calum, I love you, but I'm not a poo poo"

"You are my poo poo" Calum says puling me into a hug.

"GOOD MORNING BIRTHDAY GIRL" Michael yells happy, while he messes up my hair, "would you like some tea, or coffee, maybe some hot chocolate milk?"

"Hot chocolate sounds actually really nice..."

"Hot chocolate milk it is"

I sit down on the couch, together with Calum while Michael makes all of us hot chocolate. No, I have to say hot chocolate MILK, otherwise I would het melted chocolate and believe me, they've giving me that tons of times.

"So what do you want to do. You're the queen of the day" Calum says.

"Don't know"

"Would you like to go out?"

"Urgh, no. I don't want to get hit again"

I tell him what happened with that weird gross man who was beat up by Niall. And we both decided that we won’t go out tonight. Calum came with the awesome idea to go rock climbing, which I happen to find extremely awesome. But, as Calum said, we have to be back at seven o'clock. Why? Don't know, he didn't answer my question.

Oh well, so rock climbing it is. Gosh in exited.


I watched the SOML video, I feel like some badass right now >:)

oh well, I'm going to sleep bc i have to work 2night and i have a party so, hope you liked the chaptuurr

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