Chapter Twenty-Two

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“LIIIIIUUUUUUMMMM” I yell through the hallway of our hotel.




“Yooooo Niiiiiaaalll wazzup?” Liam asks while he walks towards my hotel room.

“I have a little problem with Isa…”

"Tell me"


Just tell him, Niall. He’s your best friend, and he’s going to find out anyway.

“We almost kissed, but the boys walked in so..."

"Wait what?"

"So yeah, moment ruined. So I acted like my phone rang and like the management called, so I could leave. But you know I really like her..."

"You're really stupid"

"Nooo I just like her"

"Just tell her"


“You can, just tell her” he tells me, sounding really annoyed.


"Ok, then not"

"Urgh, Liam, you're not really helping"

"Niall, I'd love to help you but I have my problems, please" he says walking away.

Ok what the heck Liam, I'll ask Zayn… wait no, he probably has a hangover, like Harry... So Louis is the only one left then...

“LOOOUUIISSS” I yell, again through the hallway.



I wake up, surrounded by the boys. Ashton has wrapped his arms around me while he holds my hand, Calum’s leg is on top of mine and Michael fell asleep on Luke's bum. Aah they're all so cute when they're asleep, unlike when they're awake. No kidding, love them always.

"Urgh, my butt" I hear Luke mumble.

"Good morning Lukey" I say turning towards him.

"Hii, so Ashton really loves you, huh"

"And Michael really loves your bum"

"It's so funny that you're an Aussie who lives in the US and says bum"

"I'm a Braussie, half British, half Aussie, living in the US"

"Braussie... That's a good one"


"Isa, are you coming with us to the arena?" Ashton asks me.

"Do I want to?"

"If you'd love us, you'd come with us" Luke says.

"Of course I love you" I say while I put my arm around his waist and he lays his arm on my shoulder.

Urgh, why does he smell soooo good? Luke, you're supposed to be the baby, not the hot, great smelling pretty boy. Stop it.

"What's up with the weird look on your face" Luke asks me.

"You've grown up"

"What? No way"

"No, I mean, that you aren't my little Lukey anymore because, you're taller than me, and you're turning into a man"

"I'll always be your little Lukey, I'm still the same in here" he says pointing to his chest.

"Hey, don't flirt with my man" Calum says grabbing Luke.

"He's also going to be my man, if we aren't married by 25" I tell him.

"True, and we'll have one big orgy"

"You wish"

"Guys, can we go now. Please?" Michael says.

"Yes Michael" we all say at the same time.

"I'M SITTING NEXT TO ISAAA" Ashton yells and a fight starts.



I haven't slept all night. I've been tossing and turning all night. I even went for a run, took a shower, watched TV, reading some really boring book and I still couldn't sleep. Want to know why? Isa. I've been thinking of her all night. And not just because I really like her. I just don't know if she feels the same way. We almost kissed, but did she pull back because she didn't want to, or because she doesn't like me, or maybe because of the boys walking in. I just don't know.

Urgh liking someone is so hard. Why can't I just never like someone, so I don't have to deal with all this.

"Hiya Lou" I hear some familiar voices say.

Urgh, they're here. Not that I mind, but I just know it will be awkward with Isa and I.

"Have you seen Niall?" I hear Isa ask.

"He's at the stage"

"Thank you" she says in the cute way she always says it, and after a couple of seconds she enters the arena.

"Niall, why are you lying on the ground?"

"Because" I say as I see Isa above me. Urgh, she's so beautiful.

"Mind if I take this place?" She asks pointing next to me, as I shake my head.

She lies down next to me, and we stare at the huge construction that's above the stage.

"Aren't you ever afraid that that huge thing up there will fall down during your performance" Isa asks after a couple of moments in silence.

"Only when we fly above the stage. I'm always happy to be on the stage again. But we have to most amazing view, so that makes a bit less horrible”

"And you've never fallen down"

"We have those things around our waists, so we won't fall. But one time the rope thing was a bit long so I almost fell down"

"Glad you didn't, because I need you here"

She turns her head toward me as I do the same. I look into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I know there isn't such official thing as the most beautiful eyes ever, but Isa officially has the most beautiful eyes.

"EY LOVE DOVES" Louis yells and we both look a different way.

"What do you want, poo head" I ask him while he walks on stage.

"Why are we laying here?"


"Ok, well there's food so if you want some..."

"Where?" I ask getting up immediately.

"aren't you helping your girlfriend to get up?" Louis asks, getting a stomp in his arm.

"I'm not his..." Isa says sitting up.

"Don't listen to him, he's a dwork" I say as I help Isa getting up.


MEH I GOT A HOLE IN MY PANTS, so I glued it so it wont grow any bigger. You're allowed to say that i'm a genius :)

Oh, I decided to make an unofficial club, named: The White Girl Club. Me and @itsjustlisanne are the only 2 members, so feel free to join.

And with 'White Girls' I mean those girls, like us, who post their Starbucks drink on hipstagram.

Well, hope uu liked the chapter, if you did, you're welcome *Sadie voice*


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