Chapter Nine

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Holy guacamole. My head feels so heavy, and it hurts so hard. Argh. Maybe the drinking part wasn't such a good idea. Noooo, it was a good idea, because it made the night even more fun. Liam met this girl named Danielle and they were all over each other, which made me and Niall left over. So yes, I've spend the whole night with Niall. Dancing, drinking, talking. But the problem is that after I took my 8th cocktail and some more shots, I can't really remember what happened. I don't even know how I got back to the hotel. I do remember a Niall who was being a bit drunk, and I remember that he was really funny and even a bit cute.

After some more thinking I decide to open my eyes. Argh, the light. It hurts. I cover my eyes with my hands and peek through my fingers.

Where the F am I? I can't remember that my hotel room looked like this. It didn't smell like this. I like the smell thought, but where am I?

When I'm a bit more used to the lights I uncover my eyes and look around. I really wonder where I am. My phone is on the nightstand, and my clothes are somewhere in the corner of the room. Wait, if my clothes are there... I quickly feel if I'm wearing anything. A sigh of relieve leaves my mouth. Pppfieuw. I am wearing something. That's a good sign.

"Oh hey. Did I wake you up?" Someone says walking into the room.


"Oh god, I'm so glad it's you. I thought I ended up in some house of a stranger"

"Haha. You want something for the headache?"

"How did you know I have a..."

"Because we were both really drunk last night"

"Right. Well, yes, I'd like to have something for the house party up here" I say tapping my head and getting out of the bed, while my phone rings.

"I'll be right there" I tell Niall and pick up.

"ISABELLA WHERE ARE YOU. OH MY GOD. ARE YOU OK? DID SOMEONE RAPE YOU?" I hear my mum's voice yell into my ear.

"Mum, chill. I'm ok. I'm not raped. I'm at Nialla's place"

Almost said Niall, my mum would freak out.


"Ok, stop the yelling mum. I'm ok"

"Oh sorry baby. Did you have fun last night?"

"Yes, but I'm going to get something against my headache"


Shooooott. I kind of forgot my mum doesn't approved my to drink before I'm 21.

"Noooooo. It's the time of the month you know" I lie, hoping she's believing me.

"Oh, than it's ok. Because if you were drunk..."

"Bye mum love you" I say in the middle of her sentence and hang up.

Urgh. Mothers.


"Here, this will help" Niall says giving me a cup of tea and a little pill.

"It's pink"

"Just take it. It'll help. I promise"

I obey and take the little pink pill with a sip of tea. And indeed within 5 minutes my headache is much less than before.

"Who was on the phone?" Niall asks.

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