[12.] Guilt is useless

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Ignore the Instagram thing I'm too lazy to crop it but pUPPIES

"Please can you just tell him we need to talk to him?" Luke begged.

The short blonde haired receptionist in front of the blonde shook her head, which was full of faux blonde extensions, "I'm sorry, but Mr Clifford requested no visitors besides the mandatory visitation of his legal guardians." she said, not really understanding the words she was reading off the computer.

Luke sighed and hobbled back over to where the other two boys were sitting, his crutches making annoying clicking sounds whenever they hit the floor. Calum's dark head was in his hands, Ashton sat there, continuously tapping his long fingers on his knees.

Luke sat down heavily next to them, resting his head on Ashton's shoulder, placing his crutches on the floor next to him.

Ashton's hand went to stroke his boyfriends hair soothingly. "No luck."

The blonde shook his head against Ashton's mournfully, "No luck whatsoever."

It had been about two weeks since Michael had remembered the crash, and he was refusing any visitors. Apart from his parents, who were legally allowed to see him, as long as it was in visiting hours, unless Michael got a court order.

They had asked Michael's parents about it, his mum said Michael was severely triggered by the memory, and wants to be shut away from the world. In case anything else happens.

And Calum felt it was all his fault, he should have made Michael wear his seatbelt, shouldn't have given in to the temptation of Michael's lips. He caused all this, and felt completely terrible for it.

Michael felt unsafe, like he had to protect himself from the world. All three boys understood him, all had suffered horrible mental after effects.

Ashton refused to go in the backseat of a car, Luke could only stay in a car if it wasn't going on a road faster than 60 mph, and Calum refused to go in any car at all unless it was him, his mum, or Ashton that was driving.

Calum still had a very difficult job going home. The only way to get back to his small gathering of houses was on the dreaded overpass. He either had to just keep driving, concentrating as hard as he could, but if it was his mum or Ashton, he could do nothing but shut his eyes and wait until they had passed it.

All boys understood how Michael was feeling, but it stopped none of them from wanting to see him.

They were all dying to see him again, but so far all their attempts had failed, they had been sent home more times than they could count, individually and as a group. Luke had been the most sucsessful, managing to charm his way into Michael's room, only to find him asleep, and felt too guilty, or prehaps too scared to wake him.

Calum huffed loudly and stood up, walking heavily over to a nurse at the reception desk for Michael's ward, she waved him over to the same younger receptionist who was typing at the computer, chewing gum loudly

"Listen, please, I have to see him, I'm his boyfriend-" Calum stopped himself, "but, please, you have to understand, I need him, he needs me, I just need to talk to him, I was hi-"

The recesptionist, who up until this point had been typing still on the computer looked up at him, chewing gum with her mouth open, "Listen I don't care who you are, but I am free to give..." She reached up and grabbed Calum's hand, stroking it, biting her lip and looking up at him her eyes full of flirt, "emotional support."

Calum gaped, and harshly pulled his hand away, "I just want to see my boyfriend, please."

"Boyfriend?" The girl scrunched her nose, looking Calum up and down, "What a waste."

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