[2.] Hazy Mind Pt2

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This is Bethan aiight

After around twenty-minutes Luke was feeling much more alert, had had kept dozing off for a few minutes, but it soon subsided once the anesthetic had worn off.

Ashton had left to make a phone call, his boyfriend, James, called him. Calum felt sorry for James, he had no idea what happened and only found out after Ashton had called him five times. It wasn't his fault though, he was probably asleep.

He didn't really like James all that much though. He had been Ashton's boyfriend for about four months, after he transferred to another school in Perth. There was just something off about him. He seemed like he did care about Ashton, sort of anyway, but it was always Ashton who showed an interest in James, rarely vice versa, unless it was to do with sex or money. That is what Calum noticed at least. Ashton came from a rich background and was constantly buying him things

He tried to focus on the TV in front of him, spongebob was playing, Luke's choice, but was constantly fiddling, unable to keep still, it was driving Luke mad. Ashton had been on the phone for nearly twenty minutes, Luke was still too tired to hold a conversation for more than three minutes.

And worst of all, Michael's condition was still a mystery to him. Every time he asked the nurse would say the same thing,

"We'll tell you when we know."

But when will that be?! Of course he was happy Luke was fine, he was one of his best friends, but, he had a constant knot in his stomach and spear in his heart preventing him from thinking, doing or feeling anything properly. Every void inside him was filled with worry.

At least he was in clean clothes now. His parents had just dropped them off, his mum nearly suffocating him with a hug when she saw him. Michael's parents were yet to arrive.

The door handle turned and both of Luke and Calum's head snapped towards it, expecting it to be a nurse or doctor with new of Michael. But no, Ashton walked in,

"James is on his way," he said with a slight smile, and took his seat on the small couch next to Calum.

They all sat silent, trying to focus on spongebob, but all of their minds kept wandering back to Michael.

"This is bullshit." Calum muttered "It has almost been two hours and we know nothing. Nothing about the dick who hit us, about what happened, about-" his voice broke slightly "about Mikey."

"I know Cal." Luke sighed "It is. Utter bullshit. But, we can't do anything about it. Waiting is the only way."

Ashton nodded in support "We have been waiting a while, but I guess that could mean the waiting is nearly over."

"Suppose." Calum shrugged

They once more lapsed into silence looking at the crap hospital TV screen, it wasn't long until a soft knock was heard. A young blonde female surgeon walked in, another male doctor followed behind her.

"Are you friends of," she paused looking at her sheet, "Michael Clifford?"

All eyes in the room rocketed to her direction,

"Yes," Calum said hurriedly "Is he okay? Is he alive?"

"He is fine for the moment," she said "but we need to talk about the incident that happened. Do you mind if we sit?" she gestured to two chairs nearby.

The boys nodded, and the pair of doctors sat down, "I am Doctor Isabel Stevens, and this is my colleague Doctor George O'Malley." She gestured to the guy sitting beside her. He was young, around her age.

"Hi," he smiled "As I am sure you are very much aware of, you have suffered injuries from a car crash."

All three nodded.

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