[7.] What's Outside

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Ashton wrung his hands nervously, as he waited for the lift to Luke's floor to arrive. The curly haired boy desperately needed to talk to his blonde friend.

Last night he had found something in James' bag. His boyfriend decided to stay in Sydney for a few weeks. And had asked Ashton to unpack his things. But while he was doing it, Ashton found something strange.

Hidden in the very bottom of the bag was a pair of underwear. It looked like they were thrown there by accident, as they weren't folded or anything. Plus they were far too small for Ashton, and infinitely too small for James.

Luke was the only person he could tell right now. Calum was too stressed, and Michael didn't even remember who James was.

James couldn't cheat on him. He wouldn't. What did Ashton do wrong, he was a great boyfriend, was that not enough?

The elevator dinged and Ashton stepped out, giving Bethan a small smile on his way past.

She saw he was heading to Luke's room and quickly walked over to him, patting his shoulder.

"Luke's bed sheets are getting changed, he's in Michael's room right now. I think they are getting him a wheelchair today." She smiled.

"Okay thanks," Ashton said gratefully, waving goodbye as he went back to the lift. Michael's floor was two down.

Continuously chewing on the bottom of his lip, he rubbed his palms together as he walked. James couldn't have cheated on him.

Sure, James was a little self centred, quite often Ashton felt as if their relationship was only one way. But James was his boyfriend, they had to love each other right? James was sweet, he called Ashton pretty and handsome, was Ashton overthinking?

He knocked on the door, and walked inside.

"Hey," Luke said looking at him excitedly, "Michael's getting a wheelchair!"

"I heard." Ashton chuckled.

"Finally I don't have to wheel my self through the hospital everyday," he pointed at the smiling green and black haired boy in the bed "It's your turn sucker!"

Ashton opened his mouth to tell them what he found, but was interrupted by Bethan walking in, followed by a doctor, Ashton vaguely remembered her name, Dr Grey? So he decided to wait.

"Her it is!" Bethan grinned wheeling in the wheelchair.

Michael's green eyes brightened, "Wow.". He was so happy to finally be leaving the room, for three months he had sat in the same bed, never leaving the room. He many not be able to walk still, or ever, but he tried to remain optimistic. But now he could go outside again, hear the birds call and feel the wind on his face. "I wish Calum was here to see this."

"Yeah," Luke smiled "It's not the same without him."

Calum had been visiting more and more since he told Michael, which was good, Michael was visibly happier, smiling more. It was clear he was feeling romantic nostalgia with Calum. It was only a matter of time before they were back together as a couple.

"Are you ready to get in Michael?" Dr Grey asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Michael nodded, tensing a little as they walked over to help him get in, taking off his heart monitor. He was no longer wearing the horrible hospital gown, but some pyjamas his parents brought, he didn't realise it but it was one of Calum's old shirts, and a pair of grey sweatpants.

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