[9.] *clap, clap, clap, clap*

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coot malum, also pls understand the title reference, i will love you forver

Sometimes Michael wondered what he did to deserve all this.

Well, he had no idea if he was paranoid or superstitious before all this, but currently he was wondering if there was any bad karma associated with him.

To his knowledge he had done nothing in his previous state of mind, that was horrible. Everything to him just seemed unfair. But the one thing he had learned for all this was that life is unfair.

Calum had told him, multiple times, that he had done nothing, that it was nothing more than an accident. Whatever it was.

It frustrated him so much, not just the lack of identity, but that he didn't even know what caused him to be this way. He hated the event, even without the knowledge of what it was, it felt as if it was burning a hole through his chest, slowly. Michael was determined to find out, so there would be a slight end to this madness.

He wiped his forehead, preventing a bead of sweat from rolling down it. It was a hot day, and the windows weren't open. If he wanted to, Michael could wheel over and push one open, letting the cool breeze in. But, he was lazy, and not fond of any bugs that might fly in. Even if there were those protective curtain things, he guessed to keep the hospital clean, bugs weren't his thing. They were icky and gross, and had multiple legs. They were unnatural.

He scrunched his small nose thinking about it, absent mindedly fiddling with his shirt as he watched 'Friends' on the small hospital tv.

He couldn't remember watching it before, and if he did, if he enjoyed it. But now he found it entertaining, the characters made him laugh. Especially Joey, he felt as if he could relate to him, as neither really ever knew what was going on, and they both had an intense love for pizza. But he felt an intense connection between him and Chandler. After all, both were self critical, and liked to make fun of themselves to hide insecurities. Also Michael had discovered sarcasm about a week before, and was now using ute fluently.

He chuckled as he watched the show, Ross yelling 'pivot' while trying to move a sofa.

"Nice TV show you got there." A voice behind him said, making him jump a little, turning around to see Calum, standing by the door, his hands somehow stuffed into the pockets of his black skinny jeans.

Michael smiled, "Yeah I found it last week, it's really funny."

Calum chuckled and walked over sitting on the bed "Just don't tell Ashton, he hates it."

Michael's mouth fell open slightly, "How?"

The other boy shrugged, "I dunno, whenever we would all watch it before he would start complaining, he said it wasn't funny and it was unoriginal."

"But it's so original! It was the first TV show like that, and it made up so many phrases we use now, like friendzoned."

Calum laughed a little "Wow, you've been doing your research on this."

Michael furrow his eyebrows, confused, and shook his head, "No... I've just been watching it." Suddenly he slapped a hand over his mouth his eyes widening, "I've just been watching it!"

It was now Calum's turn to be confused, "Kitten what do you mean?"

Michael wheeled over to him hurriedly, ignoring the fact Calum let the old nickname slip. He placed his hand on the boy's knee, forcing Calum looked at Michael's green eyes, which were sparking with excitement, "I remembered it Calum."

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