[8.] Sleep can be dangerous

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I published this for like ten minutes a few days ago with out realisng oops 

Michael's foot itched.

It wasn't one of those small ones though, that you forget about after a second.

No, it was a lingering, buzzing itch, just next to the left hand side of his ankle, on his left foot. It prickled, and it was very annoying to say the least. It tingled around his foot, but he was unable to lean over and itch it, or move his leg to his hand. Right now his legs were just useless stumps. He kept trying to stand up, but his mind couldn't process it, so inevitably, he fell each time they tried. If Bethan, or Luke, or anyone was here, right now he didn't care who, Michael would ask them to scratch it, just to rid him of this annoyance. It may just be an itchy foot; which by the way was itchy for no reason at all, the universe just hated him that day, but it was bothering him, and since there was nothing to do, (he had finished all the hospitals TV shows and movies weeks ago), that was the only thing he could focus on.

But nobody was here at this moment. His parents had just left, they had come on an early visit. Luke was getting prepped for his surgery.

It was the blonds last one, then after a few days he would go home, and after a few days, go to school and live his normal life. Then Michael would be alone. He was happy for Luke, obviously, but, part of him resented him for it. Luke would be free, while Michael would be here, he didn't know how long, all the doctors just said; 'For the foreseeable future.'. The sooner he was out, the better.

Calum wasn't coming until about five, maybe three, if he could get out of school early that is, and Ashton was joining him later. But it was only 9 am right now, so that wasn't happening for sometime.

The brown eyed boy came pretty much everyday, after school, he would spend as long as his parents allow with Michael. Calum said he wished he could just stay there, but he had studying and homework.

Michael understood of course, Calum didn't have to visit him at all, after all, it couldn't be easy for him. They were in love, apparently, and even under all Calum's smiles, and delight when he saw Michael, Calum was in pain. Whenever Calum looked away, Michael would spare a glance, then he saw the truth.

Calum looked tired, large dark circles under his eyes, lips poking down, slouching as if he were protecting himself from the world. But changed to 'happy' whenever he saw Michael looking at him. But it was all a charade, maybe to convince Michael, but more likely to convince himself.

Calum was hurting, and it hurt Michael so much. He may not love Calum anymore, but to see how much damage he has actually done, and the amount of pain he has caused one person too feel. It made Michael feel horrible. So much, that he knew he wouldn't be able to be happy while this pain was still there. It cut a huge hole through his chest, and it could be sewn up until he gathered all the memories to piece it back together. But so far that wasn't going so well. All he had gotten was that one memory with Calum, don't get him wrong, Michael was very glad to remember it, but he craved more. But who would blame him? His friends were so amazing, his parents clearly cared for him, he had a loving boyfriend. Everything in life seemed like a fairy tale before. Who in their right mind wouldn't want it?

Michael sighed, and turned the page of the photo album he was holding. His mum had brought a huge box of them a week or so ago, to match the one he was looking through a week prior, hoping that it would jog his memory more. But no, it didn't work. Nobody in the photos (unless he was already introduced to them) looked familiar.

Michael sighed again, his foot was still itchy, and he had grown frustrated with the photo album, tossing it to the other end of the bed in sheer annoyance.

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