[11.] Crash, Anger

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Nothing to do with the chapter.

But ahshdhndhdgsgahahagag

"I've watched this one before Bethan." Michael groaned, gesturing his pale arm half heartedly towards the shitty hospital TV screen, which was playing friends, Bethan was measuring blood pressure on the other. "It's the one with the baby on the bus. Literally yesterday."

Bethan looked at him, from strapping the weird arm band on to his arm, "Yeah it's a rerun. They play the same ones for people that missed it." She turned her attention back to the Velcro strap.

Michael furrowed his eyebrows, " is there a 'plus one' next to the Comedy Central logo?"

Bethan snorted "Because you're on Comedy Central +1, they run half an hour behind."

"Oh." The boy replied with a blush, switching over to the normal Comedy Central, where an episode Michael didn't recognise was playing.

His face tensed a little as Bethan started pumping the weird grey device full of air, it tightened around the boys arm, he hated having his blood pressure measured. It was annoying uncomfortable and constricting, by now he was used to it, but he still didn't like it.

Calum had promised to come over later in the day, along with Ashton and Luke.

Luke had been doing really well, he told Michael his use of crutches was becoming more frequent, and the cast was soon ready to come off, in few weeks. Crutches would still have to be used a lot, while Luke got used to bending his leg again, and putting weight on it.

Michael was pleased for him, but Luke had made so much progress, while Michael had just graduated from wiggling his toes. Needless to say he envied Luke, just a little bit.

Doctors had told him he was doing well, considering the extent of injury to his spine. They told him one day he would walk, even if he had a limp.

Calum would be proud of him if he did. Poor Calum.

Michael had been through this over and over again in his head, but he still felt guilty. Whatever happened wasn't Calum's fault. But, Michael had still fucked his life up so much, and put him through so much shit.

And the kiss still made Michael's heart ache for the poor boy. Both said they were fine about it, that it was just a one time thing. But neither were fine.

Michael had remembered parts of their relationship, Ed Sheeran in the car, and dying Michael's hair, but he didn't remember their relationship. Just those two flashbacks. Michael still hadn't told anybody about the second one.

Calum was basically in mourning, his boyfriend had essentially died. And Calum was distraught. And Michael felt bad. He had thought about this since he first found out about their history together. It nagged his brain at least twice a day.

He hoped one day he would remember his past life, not just for his sake, for Calum's. To bring back the normal.

Normal, to Michael's definition, was waking up, seeing the weird creme/white (something he had been debating with Luke for months, he was teams creme, Luke was team white) walls. Then seeing some people, physio, every few days he would have some therapy for his mental health. The hospital was normal.

Bethan unclasped the blood pressure arm band from Michael's arm with a smile.

"120 over 80, that's good Michael. Normal. If it keeps up like this you should be allowed home soon."

Michael didn't reply, he just looked straight at the tv screen, he wasn't paying attention to that. A frown on his face.

Bethan furrowed her eyebrows, "What's wrong?" She asked, wrapping the grey band around the rest of the small blood pressure machine.

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