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"Calummm! Come dance with meeee!" Michael laughed loudly over the music blaring from the speakers in the crowded club.

The white haired boy danced goofily over to his boyfriend, Calum, who was at the bar, smiling at him fondly.

Michael stumbled slightly, and fell into the dark haired boy, Calum grabbed his waist, and steadied him,

"I think you're a little drunk kitten." Calum chuckled

Michael blushed slightly, "Yeah...but I'm your drunk. And I want to dance with my boyfriend on his birthday!" He quickly grabbed Calum's hand, pulling him onto the dance floor, and started, dancing, crazily, flailing his arms around and shouting the lyrics to uptown funk at the top of his voice.

Calum found this hilarious, he never usually saw his boyfriend like this, he had only seen it twice in the three and a bit years they had been dating. He was usually was quite quiet, and would usually never come to a club, he only only came as it was Calum's seventeenth birthday, they were out celebrating with their two friends Ashton and Luke. Michael had known Luke and Ashton since primary, but Calum move here in year nine and immediately slotted himself into their little group. It was perfect. They were likeable people, maybe not as popular as the jocks and stuff, but, none of ten could really name a single enemy. Now they were in year twelve at Christian Collage and him (Calum) and Michael had been dating since the end of year nine. And to celebrate Calum's seventeenth himself, Michael, Ashton and Luke had decided to celebrate. It took a lot to get Luke and Ashton in, as Luke is the youngest, being a July baby, and Ashton's birthday wasn't for another month or so, as this bar had a strict 17+ rule. But they had managed to convince the bouncer that they where seventeen, Luke's height probably helped.

Luke bounced over, Ashton following behind him. The blonde was grinning widely, and him and Ashton kept exchanging humorous glances. The shorter curly haired boy kept almost bursting out laughing, but Luke kept slapping his arm. Both were rather tipsy.

"What on Earth are you two laughing about?" Calum asked over uptown funk, which was still blaring through the speakers, not to mention Michael was still shouting it at the top of his lungs.

"What?" Ashton asked loudly

Calum place his hand over Michael's mouth, "Shush kitten, I can't hear Ash." He then turned back to the shorter curly haired boy, "I said: What are you two laughing about? Did you hook up or something?"

Ashton burst out laughing, Luke did too, but you couldn't really miss the blush on his face.

"Oh god no!" Ashton said between giggles, "I may be gay, but we are not hooking up trust me."

Yes it is true, Ashton is gay, and Luke is bi, but Ash had a long distance boyfriend, and he knew that he wouldn't cheat.

"Then what is it?" Michael slurred slightly

"We requested a song." Luke said, giggling again, his blue eyes bright

"So-" Calum started but was quickly silenced by Ashton's hysteric giggle

"Shhhhh! It's about to come on!"

The other two pricked up their ears trying to hear the song about to play, while Ashton and Luke were pretty much trying not to explode from withheld laughter.

Suddenly the song started blaring, and Michael and Calum's faces.

"FOR FUCKS SAKES." Calum exclaimed "RICK ASTLEY? Really? That is like 2006 stuff."

"Helllooooo?" Michael mimicked picking up a phone, hand handing the imaginary phone to Luke "2006 and six called, it wants its punch line back." They erupted into peals of laughter and giggles and Michael's bad joke, Luke holding his sides, tears of laughter rolling down their cheeks.

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