[3.] Remembering Michael

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i love my lil' penguin (rip luke_is_a_penguin)

"It appears Mr Clifford has suffered from extreme amnesia."

Calum couldn't believe what the doctor was telling him. This couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

The words Michael spoke to him were still echoing in his brain,

"I have no idea who you are! Stop!"

As soon as Michael said those words Calum ran out of the room, Ashton following quickly behind to tell a doctor. Nurses and doctors once more filled Michael's room, asking him questions, about who he was, what he remembered and what had happened to him. So far, nothing.

Michael started to freak out, hyperventilating, the poor boy knowing nothing of what happened to him, and who all these people where. Let alone who he was. Nurses calmed him down, but the remaining three were all quickly escorted out.

Luke, Ashton and Calum were called into a separate room, Luke's room, Calum still in shock, not saying a word. His brain still hadn't processed what the doctor had told him, he just sat staring straight ahead, unblinking.

No one had replied to the doctor yet. All three just sat there, gaping at him.

"C-can you repeat that please." Luke said quietly, taking hold of Ashton's hand

"We think Mr Clifford has suffered extreme amnesia." the doctor said again, his voice solemn and bleak

"W-what does that mean?" Ashton asked, he knew well what it mean't but he couldn't believe it

"Severe long and short term memory loss. Michael is unable to remember anything about himself, any of his family or friends, and what happened to him. He knows nothing of anything before the accident."

Luke rubbed his forehead "Is it reversible?"

"We honestly don't know." the doctor sighed " There is know way of telling. It could last a day, a week, a month. He may never be able to remember. Sometimes one memory triggers everything, but who knows. It is a miracle he has woken up after only a month, or at all. He has gone back to basics."

Calum's heart had broken. He was so overjoyed to see those beautiful green eyes after so many weeks. All he wanted was to cuddle his beautiful white haired boy friend again, and when he was finally able to do so, Michael was taken away again.

He wasn't Michael anymore. He wasn't his kitten anymore.

He couldn't capture Michael's lips in his own, he couldn't do anything.

Michael was awake yes. But he wasn't. He was a shell of his old self.

He felt a tear drip silently on his cheek.

"I will give you boys sometime to process this, we need to inform Michael's parents." The doctor rubbed Calum's shoulder before standing up and leaving the room.

The trio said nothing. Just sat there staring ahead of them.

"This isn't fair." escaped Calum's lips "This isn't fair!" he said loudly standing up and harshly kicked a chair next to him.

Ashton stood up hurriedly and placed a hand on the taller boys shoulder. "It's okay Calum, everything is fine! Michael is alive."

Calum spun round and glared at him, roughly shoving him off, "No! No it's not fucking fine Ashton! It may never be fucking fine again! Michael isn't alive! The old Michael isn't alive! He isn't my kitten anymore! Your boy friend isn't lying in there not remembering three years of a relationship! How would you feel if James couldn't remember your relation ship? Let alone fucking forgetting loving you!" He yelled, feeling his heart thrash in his ears and his chest.

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