:Chapter 18:

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-Louis's P.O.V-

We arrived at the mall with no problems and I helped Fawn out of the car again and wheeled her inside. I went over to where I saw the other lads.

"Fawn! Louis!" Harry yelled and ran over to us. He kissed Fawn's cheek and then took her from me running around and joking with her. I smiled seeing her giggle and smile.

It's kinda hard with her like that, cause she hates the wheelchair. She doesn't like it one bit and that is why she's always sadder when she sits in it. She's happier when she isn't in it.

I think she dislikes the chair so much because it's a constant reminder about her legs. But hey! We're gonna get her to walk again.

"Boo!" I looked up and my eyes widened when I saw Zayn walking around with Fawn on his shoulders.

"Oh dear God, be careful." I said with worry and she just giggled.

"Don't be such a worry wart." She then hummed while Zayn walked around with her like that. I went over and got an extra chair between me and Zayn so that Fawn can sit there. I know that she's closest to Zayn out of the lads for some reason.

I nearly got a heart attack when I saw Fawn fall back off Zayn's shoulders but I released my breath when Liam appeared from behind him with Fawn in his arms.

We got seated in our seats and Fawn was safely placed beside me again. She smiled brightly and leaned her head on my forearm. I wrapped my left arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"You didn't have to bring me." I frowned at her words and shook my head.

"Yeah, I did. You're bored at home, besides, I want you here." I assured her, knowing she is scared I'll think she's a burden and I'll get bored of her. I know I won't, but I don't know how I can show her that.

The room began to get filled up and it became a lot louder. I kept my arm wrapped around Fawn all the time, always touching her somehow. Yeah, that sounded kinda wrong, but you know what I mean!

"OMG! Fawn, I'm a huge fan of your books!" A girl said, jumping up and down. Fawn smiled and sat a bit more up.

"Really? Which one is your favorite?" Fawn asked her and she squealed, even more excited that Fawn talked to her.

"The first, Dreary Dawn." Fawn was lightly blushing, but smiled sweetly.

"Really? Well, thanks so much reading it."

"When is the next book coming out?" I now got the book and scribbled my autograph in it. Fawn also signed it for the girl.

"In about 4 months. I'm about to finish it in maybe a month and then there is editing and stuff." Fawn said and the girl squealed.

"OMG, can't wait. I love you!" She asked for a hug and picture before she left and she got it.

"I love to meet your fans." I mumbled and kissed her temple. Fawn blushed and snuggled more into my side.

"Yeah, I love meeting yours." I chuckled and talked to the girls that talked to me. This kept going on and on until we got a pause. We didn't both leaving the room, only sat and talked together up there and got some lunch and drinks.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked her and she blushed. The girls that stood closest squealed and pressed themselves closer, waiting for the kiss.

"No, we're in public." Fawn shied away. The girls pouted at the no.

"Awe, pleeeease. I want a little kiss." I pouted and she shook her head, hiding in my shoulder. I looked over to the fans who were on edge, waiting for us to kiss. Help me, I mouthed to them.

Some of them giggled while others smiled.

"Please, kiss him!" A girl chanted from somewhere.

"Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!" The chanting grew and soon the other lads also joined them. Fawn was blushing furiously and I nudged her side.

"Kissy, kissy, Boo." I sang and she sighed. Fawn looked up and peeked at all the people chanting around us.

"I hate you." She huffed and shyly cupped me cheek and I lowered my head down to kiss her. The girls around us went crazy when she finally let me kiss her. The lads began screaming like this was something insane and joked around.

I grinned widely when we pulled away and she was blushing so cutely.

After that we began singing again and people asked us to kiss for photos and Fawn was hesitant at first, but I happily kissed her every time someone asked.

Random Youtubers were videotaping us and asking us all random questions, we got loads of gifts and cards. A small girl about 10 even came with a whole cake for us, which was incredibly cute.

It was a good day but woah was I tired after all the singing. We drove to Nando's and ate there. Then I ended up back home with my princess.

"So did you enjoy today?" I asked Fawn as I went into our closet. I pulled on one of my PJ pants which are just simple light blue and threw my clothes in the hamper. I then grabbed one of Fawn's PJs as well and wandered back into the room. "I mean, it was great fun, especially with that girl that walked on her hands all t-FAWN!"

My eyes widened and I dropped the clothes on the floor.

"Fawn, OH MY GOD!" I ran to her and kneeled in front of her. I took her left foot in my hands and watched with big eyes as she moved her toes slightly.

"Oh my God, Louis!" She gasped out and happy tears welled in her eyes. I grinned widely and jumped up, attacking her in my arms. She was under me on the bed as I hugged her tightly. "My toes, I moved my toes!" She cried out in happiness. I laughed for no reason, my happiness just flying through the roof.

"You moved your toes, love." I pulled away from her and looked at her face. I wiped her tears away and kissed her passionately. "You moved you toes." I breathed against her lips before kissing her again.

We held onto each other tightly the whole night, kissing each other and we grinned like fools. We called Lillianna and she said that was great news and we should come by tomorrow at noon.

We even texted the lads which was a bad idea cause they ended breaking into our flat and our bed ended up being very full, but we fell asleep huddled all together anyways.

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