:Chapter 2:

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Fawn's P.O.V

"El, wake up." I groaned but fluttered my eyes open to meet blue ones. What the hell? Why is there a stranger in my apartment?

I sprung up and looked around. A plane...? Oh. Ooooh...

I looked at Louis, who was looking at me weirdly.

"Hey, Lou. When did we arrive?" I asked him and rubbed my eyes. I looked at him again and he gave me a slightly surprised and confused expression.

"20 minutes ago." He said nervously.

"You let me sleep for 20 minutes?" I asked and he slowly nodded. "Aw.. Thanks." I grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek. I looked around and our stuff had already been taken to the car. I then walked out of the plane, but stopped and looked back.

Louis had a hand on his cheek and his blue eyes were wide in shock.

"Are you coming?" I asked and he blinked, shaking his head slightly. He looked at me and quickly scrambled out after me. We then walked inside the airport and I saw how Louis would glance down at my hand, like he wanted to hold it, but he only shoved his hands in his pockets.

We walked and then there were bright flashes and screaming. Oh God...

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't know they found out." Louis said quickly and looked very nervous. He bit on his bottom lip and looked a bit frightened. By me. What the hell has El been doing!?

I just smiled and walked out the doors. People were holding back the screaming fans and paps.

"EL! PLEASE TAKE A PICTURE WITH ME!" A girl was crying. I looked and saw Louis looking at her in sympathy, but he nearly died when I walked up to her.

"Hello, sweety. What's your name?" I asked her and she squealed.

"Oh my God! I-I'm Lilly." She said shakily.

"Hi, Lilly. What did you want?" I asked and she held out her phone. I smiled beside her and signed the back of her iPhone. Did it with as many people as I could and reached the black SUV. I got inside and Louis followed afterwards.

"You hate fans." He said in disbelief. He looked at me like I was a puzzle, but I just smiled, then pulled out my phone.

To: Fawn
This is so strange... And Louis is looking at me weirdly...

From: Fawn
Yeah... Just be yourself anyways. Louis is used to me. I never talk to him, hug him, kiss him, anything really. Do as you please. I fooled him into falling for me a few years ago and then I changed into the real me. Louis somehow always believed the real me was a facade. Anyways, he'll love you! xx

I wanted to slap my sister right now. That is so rude. How are we even realated?

"Who are you texting?" Louis asked me with a sad face. Why would he be sad about me texting someone?

"Why?" I asked him and then went onto El's old texts. I cheked her most resent ones. It was with a boy named Nathan.

Nathan: I had loads of fun last week ;)

El: Yeah, we should do it again ;)

Nathan: Wear some purple lace next, you'll look sexy in it. xx

El: Sure, babe. Louis found out though... but it doesn't matter ;) xx

Nathan: Hahahah. He's such a loser.

El: I know. He's stupid. -.-

Nathan: I know. See you tomorrow in London, babe ;)

I gaped at the texts. She is horrible! And that last text was this morning!!! Oh my God! I'm gonna ditch him.

"Are you trying rub it in my face. I read you texts, remember? With Nathan." His voice was so small. It even cracked slightly. I looked at him, then the phone.

"Well..." I started, then huffed. Damn you El! She is a real bitch and now everyone is going to think I am too!


"I'm sorry about that. I'll even let you delete his number." I went onto my contact list and handed him the phone when it was on Nathan. Louis raised his eyebrows now, but slowly took the phone.

"Is this a test? Are you gonna like... Flip out on me afterwards?" Louis asked me, but I shook my head.

"Nope. I don't care about him. Nathan is nothing to me." I leaned back in my seet and watched him read the messages between 'me' and Nathan. He got to the last one and looked at it for a while. I then put my hand on his back and drew circles on it. Louis glanced over his shoulder at me and gave me a small smile. I nodded with a smile back. I then saw him delete the contact and all the messages.

Louis leaned back beside me and handed me my phone.

"Who were you texting then? It wasn't him. The time wasn't right." Louis asked me hesitantly.

"It was Fawn." I said and his eyes widened.

"Your sister? The one you haven't even let me meet?" He asked and I nodded. "Didn't you stop talking to her?" I nodded again.

"Yeah. Honestly, she lives in Paris and I met her again and we're trying to start fresh." I said and he smiled a bit.

"That's cool. What does she do?"

"She's in college." I answered simply.


"She's studying to become a book editor and a publisher." I told him, because that's actually what I'm doing. I love reading and writing. It's my passion. "So... As weird as it sounds, she's an English Major. In France." He chuckled a bit by my last comment. Louis is actually a very beautiful person. Like, how his face is shaped, how he walks, stands, talks, smiles. He has his own charm, a very unique one.

"So you're basically total opposites." He said it as a statement. I nodded now, then my phone buzzed again. Louis frowned when I unlocked the screen.

From: Fawn
Ugh! You have soooo many books here! I hate reading. It's so boring. Where is all the alcohol? And is there any hot guys around here? ;)

I scrunched up my nose and grimaced a bit. Is that all she thinks about?

To: Fawn
I thought you said you were gonna change. I don't drink and if you really must know. There's a male model down the hall. He lives in B6. His name is Marco. I never talked much to him though. You should try and visit SPA Mario Rosa. It's really relaxing!

I locked the phone and then the car stopped. The door opened and Louis stepped out. He offered me his hand, which I took and gave him a smile. He quickly let go of it though. Right, El doesn't like being touched by him...

"You're uhm... S-still moving in, right?" Louis asked me somewhat scared and nervous.

"Of course," I said happily. He nodded and began walking inside the complex. We got inside the elevator and went to the 3rd floor. This place is awesome. Okay, so it's a circle, right. Then in the middle of the circle is the glass elevator, which we just took, then you can walk all the way around. There is only 5 doors here though. It's really bright and big.

Louis walked over to a black door and stabbed his keys in and opened the door. He gestured for me to go inside first, so I did. And let me just say, WOW! It's really beautiful.

I looked around wide-eyed, with my back to Louis and then there was suddenly screaming and shouting. Louis froze in his tracks, then his front door flew open and in came four very loud boys. They hugged Louis and even kissed his cheek, then froze. They looked at me, like I had grown an extra head, then they sent me cold glares.

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