:Chapter 11:

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~Eleanor's P.O.V~

I ran out of the airport and got a cab right away.

"London hospital, please hurry." I said and he nodded, then drove right away. I sat in the back and drummed my leg up and down. She can't die. Please don't die, Fawn.

I know I treat her like shit, but she's the only person I care about. I just don't know what to do. I know I'm a horrible person, but she was always my good side. And after what Louis explained, I could only guess her tumor is back.

Yes, Fawn had cancer and it was really bad, but she survived. She's strong. Stronger than diamonds. She was in a hospital for two years. 6 to 8, fighting that son of a bitch called cancer. Grandma died of cancer. It's a brain tumor.

"We're here, miss," he said and I threw him some notes and ran.

"Fuck these heels." I cussed and took them off. I ran in my socks and inside the hospital. I walked to respetionist. "I'm here for..." Eleanor or Fawn? "Calder." It was the easiest thing.

"She's still in tests." She said in a monotone.

"Yeah, well I might know what's wrong with her." I said and she looked up. A doctor stopped suddenly.

"You're here for Miss Calder?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm Eleanor Calder, her twin." I stuck my hand out and he quickly shook it and asked me to follow. We walked quickly down the halls and into a room. My eyes widened at the sight. Fawn was hooked up to everything possible.

"You said you might know what was wrong with her, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, she had a brain tumor when she was 6 and when she was 8, they said she was fine, but there was a high risk of it coming back. It's probably that." I said and his eyes softened.

"Thank you. You'll have to join her friends in the waiting room. We'll run the tests right away." He opened the door again. I nodded and glanced over to my sister one last time, then a nurse led me to the waiting room. I walked in and noticed the lads, Perrie and Dani.

"El?" Zayn asked in shock. I sighed and looked down.

"Uhm... This is gonna get interesting." I said and then walked inside the room. I sat down in a chair and crossed my legs. I looked at them and they looked confused as hell.

"When did you change clothes?" Dani asked me.

"And when did you even get fine?" Niall asked and I groaned.

"Okay, listen up, idots." I said and they all frowned now. "Oh... Yeah. Well, I'm El. And you hate me, obviously. But it looks like you love Fawn. Because Fawn has been here for the past two weeks, while I got drunk and partied in Paris." I said and they all looked at me wide-eyed.

"Wait. You're twins?" Liam asked and I gave him the 'no duh' look.

"Yeah. We're identical twins. Only difference is our personalities. She's white, I'm black. She's light, I'm dark. Literally." I said and now they looked pissed.

"She lied to us!? She fucking lied to us!?" Louis growled and I looked down.

"I forced her to do it." I said quietly and they looked at me.

"Please elaborate." Perrie said and I stood up.

"Okay. I cut contact with her. I ignored her and said I hated her. Truth is, I've always been jealous of her. She's perfect. You'll never meet a nicer person than her. She's the fruckin' gold at the end of the rainbow. She always had top grades, good physical strength. She's a genius. She is just too nice. I totally used her. I knew she was there. So after I left for France, I looked for her. I found her the last day I was gonna be there. And I begged her to change with me. She didn't wanna do it. Then I said everyone hated me either way. I was gonna break up with you, Louis. I told her that I was using you. She decided to go, because I told her I needed a break and I promised to try harder and be nice. After day two, she called me and I've never heard her so angry. I sat in her room for four hours, crying. She hates me. The only person, I ever cared for, hates me now. She hates me because I h-hurt you Louis. She told me I had broken the most beautiful person on this planet and I didn't deserve love anymore. So she said she hated me, and that I am a... A m-monster." I told and my voice cracked in the end. I quickly turned away from them and covered my face to choke down my sobs but it was too hard. The thought of her hating me, hurt too much. I genuinely loved my sister more than anything, I just didn't know how to actually show her that, because I was a dick for so long.

I hate crying. I quickly sobered up and sat down with my back against the wall, then looked at Louis.

"She loves you, Louis. You have no idea how much she worships you. She told me she never wanted to talk to me ever again, because I hurt you. She told me she was only doing this shit I put up for you now. She was cleaning my mess. Like she always does. She did it when we were younger too. I broke the stuff and she took the blame. I didn't ask her to do it, she just did. Ever since we were kids. The worst part is she's my baby sister. I'm the older one and I act like a fucking retarded baby. There was only this one time I was able to be her big sister. And I fucked it all up, but she forgave me," I said and looked down on my lap and wiped my cheeks.

"What happened?" Louis asked me. I looked up at him and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Like I had seen him so many times because of me.

"When she was six the doctors discovered a tumor in her brain. She was in a hospital for 2 years. She cried in pain and lost her hair and looked like a ghost all the time. She was so fragile. And I acted like I didn't care. I rarely came to see her. But three months before she was fine, she was near death, so I held her hand everyday. I fed her, talked to her, hugged her, held her. I tried to do everything I could and apologized because I had never been by her side. She forgave me and said she had always loved me. I was her only sister and she loved me, when I wasn't even there. When she got out, when she as 8, they said there was a very big chance of it coming back. It's probably that. I think her tumor is back and it's hitting her hard." I said and they all paled now. The doctor from earlier came in just then gave us a sympathetic cmile.

"You were right. Fawn has a brain tumor. We're gonna have to put her in surgery right away to remove it. If we wait any longer, it'll only increase her chances of not surviving." He said and I nodded.

"Do the surgery. Fawn, would do it. That chick is a rock." I said and he nodded. "Please do your best." I said before he left the room.

"Of course we will. It'll take us about three hours." He said and then walked out. I grabbed the bag I had brought from Fawn's place and placed it on the floor in front of me. I got out the photo album she had made.

"Do you wanna see some pictures?" I asked them. They hesitantly circled me and I opened the book.

"Omg, you looked super cute." Dani gushed when they saw the first picture of me and Fawn as toddlers. I nodded and then we flipped through the pages. I stopped on the page where you saw me and her sleeping in her hospital bed. She was bald and I had hid my hair away in a beanie.

"I hid my hair away when I was around her, because she used to love her hair, still does." I explained and they surprisingly gave me warm smiles. That was not expected. They are nice to me. No one is that anymore.

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