:Chapter 13:

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~Fawn's P.O.V~

I've been in this annoying hospital bed for 8 days now. EIGHT! It's sooooo boring. Eleanor is getting ready for Ghana, Dani is busy with her dancing, Perrie is with her band, Little Mix and the lads are recording some songs, doing signings and some charity stuff. I am alone...

"Morning, Fawn." My nurse Mary walked inside my room. She's in her late 50s, a really nice woman.

"Morning, Mary." I smiled and she handed me a tray of food.

"I brought you breakfast from home today. I know you hate the hospital food." She smiled warmly and I gave her one in return.

"Thank you, you didn't have to though." I said, but she just waved it off.

"How are you feeling today? Your head is fine, right?" She asked and pointed to my still bandaged head.

"Yeah. It doesn't hurt anymore. My legs are another story though." I sighed and tried all I could to move them, but nothing happened.

"It'll be okay. It's gonna take time, but you'll be perfectly fine after a bit of training and stuff." Mary said reassuringly, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. I can't move my legs at all! It's horrible! "Let's get you in the shower, then put some new bandages on your head and get some fresh clothes, because you're allowed to go today." She added happily and I gave her a small smile.

"You really are the best nurse I could ever ask for." I said and she chuckled.

"Oh, that's enough. I'm just doing my job and you just happened to be a really nice person." She rolled my wheelchair over and then moved my legs out of the bed. She wrapped an arm around my waist and my legs hit the floor, but it didn't help one bit. Mary gently placed me in the chair, then wheeled me into my bathroom. I am offically a handicapped person. I have respect for them and everything, but I hate this.

After Mary had helped me shower and she had checked my head. She helped me get dressed and then she was nice enough to even braid my hair after blow drying it. I put on mascara and a tiny bit of chapstick. She rolled me out of the room and I saw everything was packed up and cleaned. She rolled me down the halls of the hospital and people smiled and greeted me.

I supposedly had a very rare brain tumor. People cheered me on with getting well and wishing me luck. They supported me and it made me feel somewhat cared for. They actually wanted me to get well! Imagine that, strangers in a hospital wants you to get well. It may not sound very big to you, but it is to me.

"I'm here to get Fawn Marie Calder's medication." Mary said to a lady. She smiled and left. She came back with a small brown paper bag and handed it to Mary. "Thank you." We were in the medication part. It's like a pharmacy. Only this one is much quieter and nurses and doctors are the only one that can get the medicine.

Mary placed it on my lap and when she rolled me out of the small room, I just saw Louis run past me. Mary chuckled and I bit my lip. Second later he came backing and saw me. His face lit up and he ran to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I literally ran out of an interview. Paul is going to kill me, considering he doesn't know about you yet." Louis crouched down in front of me and took my hands.

"You bailed out on an interview!?" I asked him wide-eyed and he smiled innocently.

"I had to be here when you got out of this horrible place normal people call a hospital." Louis said and I giggled. He's so strange sometimes. "Hello, Mary. How are you?" He glanced behind me with a bright smile.

"I am perfectly fine. Fawn is too, she has her medication here and you'll have to come for a check every month now. Not just your head, but your legs too. Also, we've got the best physical therapist in the country for you. Her name is Lillanna Swan and she is American, a very nice young woman." Mary informed both of us.

"When am I going to see her?"

"We. When are we going to see her?" Louis corrected and I sighed. He has insisted on being with me and working through this with me. It's sweet, yeah, but I really don't want to bother him. Mary walked so I could see her too and she looked very happy with Louis's comment.

"You're a good boy, Louis." She patted his cheek like she was his grandmum. Louis blushed and looked down a bit, but kept smiling, only it turned shy now. "And you're going to see her every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three hours. You're going to have to go to her clinic, it's here in London, so it's not a long drive. Here is her card. She is only 20. She is very talented, a miracle worker." She put her card in my medicine bag and then handed it to me. "Also, you have my number, call if it's anything. I'd love to meet the two of you again." She smiled warmly and then we signed some papers quickly and were allowed to go.

I placed the paper bag on my lap and Louis began wheeling me in this chair.

"I'm gonna become a fatty sitting on my ass all the day like this." I grumbled and he chuckled.

"No, you're not. We can do loads of stuff to exercise. Also, you have that thing with Lillanna, that's good. And you'll have to teach me how to cook. Fast food is not as good as your food." Lou said and then we arrived at the door. It slid open and we stopped for a bit.

"I think they've noticed you all coming here a lot." I said when all the paparazzi and fans were filled outside the doors. Barriers were put up though, so we had a clear path.





"NICE BUM, BOOBEAR!" We looked at the person saying that and smiled a bit.

"Ellie!" I squealed and held my hands out. People fell totally silent as my sister ran up to us and hugged me tight.

"Hey, I ran all the way here to see you get out. I'm leaving for Ghana in 2 days." El said and I grinned widely. She really has changed in these 8 days already.

"Why is there two Eleanor's?" A girl asked us very confused. We looked up and remembered all the people around us.

"Oh... Shitzballs." I sighed. Louis and El chuckled a bit now.

"Everyone! I'm Eleanor Calder and this is my baby sister, but twin, Fawn Calder!" El said and pointed to me. Wow, people just flipped apeshit.




"ELEANOR, LOUIS, ARE YOU STILL DATING!?" I felt my insides twist when that question was asked. People began asking that. Everyone asked about the two of them. El looked at me apologetically. I jumped a bit when I felt lips on my cheek. I looked to my left and saw Louis smiling at me.

"Don't listen to them, they don't know anything." Louis said softly. I nodded and looked down a bit. Louis then began pushing me again, El held my right hand and we then arrived at a black van. Louis picked me up like I was a feather and placed me in the passanger seat. I put my seatbelt on and El had already folded the chair together and placed it in the back, where she got in. Louis sat in the driver's seat and then drove off.

"The world is crazy." I sighed and Louis then took my left hand in his. He intertwined our hands and rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb.

"How about we tell the world in my interview tomorrow? Then people won't mix everything up." Louis suggested. My eyes widened in horror.

"Do you mean I have to come?" I asked him nervously. He gently squeezed my hand and gave me a glance, before looking back to the road.

"Yes, but don't worry. You'll do great and I'm gonna be with you all the time." Louis said and El groaned.

"You two are such an adorable couple. It's an understatement calling you the cutest couple ever. I kid you not."

Switch (One Direction: Louis Tomlinson) *COMPLETE*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin