And then there's 3 year old Charlotte Briauna Hunter. She's a gorgeous little thing. She has her father's subtle blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Being Sam's first blood kid and his first girl, they have this tight bond. She is one sassy but sweet daddy's girl.

Lastly I had Flynn Jackson Hunter. He too has Sam's blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was born a little over a year ago. Flynn can't talk much yet, a lot of babbles but he's said Mama and Dada. He's one hell of a flirter, too. He knows he's cute and he works it for the nurses when I take him to get his check ups. Watch out for Flynn, ladies.

Sam and I got married right before I had Charlotte. It was a very very small wedding. Neither of us really had anyone to invite but I knew there would be people who would go nuts if we didn't invite them.

So we simply invited our fellow leaders, a few nurses, Anna, Jake and their two kids and that was it. I asked Lauren if she would hold Steele during the ceremony. I had grown very fond of Lauren. She and I bonded well.

The ceremony was short and sweet. The simple vows, the 'I Do's', the kiss. I wore beautiful ball gown, mainly because it hid a lot of my belly bump. Sam wore a classic black tux.

Surprisingly Sam only cried as I walked down the aisle. I, however, cried walking down the aisle, during the vows, during the 'I Do's', and walking back down the aisle after we had been officiated.

It made sense to me though. I was about to marry my best friend. There were many other times I had been proposed to and thought that this was going to happen for me. It was a symbol that I made it through and I had someone to celebrate with.

"You kids eat up. You wanna grow big and strong like your mom right?" Sam smiles crookedly and winks at me. The kids giggle and nod in response.

Sam's got a good heart. I know he would never let anything happen to this family.

We both support the family by being leaders of Dauntless along with Tris, Four, and Lauren. We all work really well together.

Dauntless is back to being crazy ol' Dauntless and it has been for a couple years now.

Speaking of a couple years, after Eric's death I had him cremated. I thought I wanted to keep his ashes but I got a better idea. I poured his ashes into the chasm exactly one year after he was released from life support.

I thought it would be best if his spirit flowed through Dauntless. At once he was leader and Dauntless depended on him. Eric helped with our attack, the main reason Dauntless is back to normal and in safer hands. It only seemed right.

"Thank you for dinner, sweatheart," Sam kisses my temple and clears the dishes.

"You're welcome," Charlotte answers. We all laugh at her cute reply. Sweetheart is Sam's nickname for her so I guess we should've seen that coming.

"Yeah, thanks sweatheart," Steele follows Sam's actions and kisses my cheek. I raise my eyebrows in surprise and can't help but laugh at him.

"You are welcome," I pull him in for a big kiss on the cheek.

Flynn starts babbling next to me and I turn to look at him with surprise written across my face.

"You're welcome Flynn," I respond to him.

It's weird to have this nice, peaceful life. I haven't been this happy in a very long time. Sam tells me that all the time. He says, "You have that twinkle back in your eye," or "It's nice to see you happy again."

It's true. If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's never hold onto something for too long. Sometimes it hurts worse to hold on than it does to let go.

That's the beauty about family. Sam and I love each other and we respect each other. We also love our children. Our children are what keep us going. They keep life interesting.

I had to learn when to let go the hard way. After months of holding onto Eric, I found it was more painful everyday, feeling attached to him and see his unconscious body than it was to let him go, knowing he was put out of his misery. I knew Eric was still with me in spirit. He always will be.

"You alright?" Sam asks. He steps beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders to pull me closer into his side.

"Yeah," I smile. "Just thinking of Eric."

An awkward smile comes across his lips. Before he can open his mouth to say anything Steele says, "Who's Eric?"

I give Sam a nervous look but he looks as calm as ever. He squats down to Steele's level and says, "An old friend. You'll learn about him one day."

OMG this is it friends! Not a very exciting epilogue, I know, I'm sorry. But I thought it'd be nice to just have a peaceful day. I thought I should just keep it short and sweet. No surprises no nothing.

Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive throughout this book! I loved reading all the comments. They always put a smile on my face.

I'm sure you've figured out the picture is Sam and Sophia's cute family. Took me a long time to find the right children but I did lol.

I've been asked a couple times if I have any other works. I am currently working on one right now but I haven't published any of it cause I wanted this book to be my main priority.

The book is called 'Blue Eyes' and it's a normal story... it has nothing to do with Divergent, I know, so sad. But I need a break from that right now and I'll come back to it once Blue Eyes is done.

I really do hope you guys enjoyed this story. I've grown so much since Chapter 1 and you can see it. My chapters have been 3× as long since then.

Thank you again to all of you supporters! You guys rock!! Thanks for voting, commenting, and sharing! Bye!

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