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I just stood there.  What do he have to talk to him for. Alex just looked at his father.

Alex: "  Yes "

Mr. Glenn: "  What is going on with you. Loosing money going out with different women that I didn't let you date why. "

Alex didn't say anything just looked at him and went back to what he was doing. That made Mr.Glenn Sr really mad to the point he stepped towards him and slammed his fist on his desk. Alex looked up at him and smiled. 

Alex: "  Are you mad father. Tell me what are you mad about. The only one that should be mad between you and me is me. Why because you took the only thing that made me happy to make yourself look good and how is that going for you. Huh are you happy now that I am like this the son you always wanted a cold heart person that only care about the company and the wife that my father picks for me. Someone that I will never love. "

Mr. Glenn just looked at his son and then looked at the ground then at me. 

Mr.Glenn: "  I am only doing what's best for you "

Alex:  " No you are only doing what best for yourself "

Mr.Glenn: " Tell me son what do you think is the best thing for you "

Alex: " April. Father I am in love with her and there is nothing you can do is change that "

I just stood there shocked did he really just say that. He then looked at me then back to his father who shook his head. 

Mr.Glenn: " What do you want me to do "

Alex: " To let me date, marry and have children with who ever I want. Also let me run my company and life the way I want. "

About time he told his dad what he want to make his self happy. 

Mr. Glenn: " Is that what you want then fine you can date who ever you want even if I don't like them but if is someone I know you shouldn't marry then I am going to say something about it. But I will always have a say so about this company. "

Alex: "  Thank you "  

Then with that he left out and Alex came towards me so I backed up but he did not get the hint just kept coming towards me. 

Me:  " What do you want Alex "

Alex: "  Mmmmmm that's the first time you said Alex in a while say it again "

Me: " No now I have work "  

Alex: " No what you have to do is give me a kiss "

And with that he kissed me. I tried to push him away but he pinned me to the wall with his hands in mine man I miss him so much. 

Alex: "  I miss you baby girl "

Me: " Leave me alone Alex "

Alex: " No your mine I have not been myself without you "  

Me: " No all those other women are yours "

Alex: " No baby they are not you are mine and will always be "

And with that he kissed me. 

After talking with Alex I went to my best friend house. When I got there she was at the door giving a hug then a kiss to a man I never saw before. 

Tiffany: "  Hey bff "

Me: " Don't hey bff me who was that "

Tiffany: " My boyfriend you would have known if you didn't work so hard "

Me:"  Its called a phone anyway I got things to tell you so let me in. "

I went in her house and went to the kitchen to get food, after that I then told her what happened today at work and that he want to get back with me. She told me that I need to give him another chance so that's what I am going to do since he did talk to his dad. 

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