Chapter 15.

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"Hey, babe," Luke says, talking into his phone.

 His lip ring is in it's regular place, and his sweatshirt's hood is hanging on by a thread on the crown of his head. He's changed into sweatpants, and his eye circles are deepened. He moves the camera so the lighting's better, and Michael decides to start randomly dancing in the background. A tired Maia looks through her phone on FaceTime.

"Luke, it's two Am, why are you up and why'd you facetime me?" She's in her bed, hair everywhere and eyes half open. Luke bends over his counter top into the camera and smiles mischievously,

"I couldn't sleep." He plays with a string on his sweatshirt and cheeses. Maia smiles,

"Why can't you sleep?" she asks. Luke sticks his tongue out and softly exclaims, a little shy,

"Because I keep thinking of you..." Michael makes an "aww" and Luke tells him to shut up. Maia beams and asks again,

"So why are you facetiming me?" Luke blushes again and smiles at the counter top before shyly blushing,

"Because I wanted to see your face. I wanted to see you." Maia beams and then asks,

"Where are the other boys?" She asks, sitting up in bed. She plays with her hair as Luke says,

"Michael is with me, and Ash is still at Ivy's house. Calum is at his house, probably watching TV naked." Maia nods at this information, and then Luke beams,

"Well, I'm happy you're awake. I was going crazy without you."


"Morning, my sunshine," Calum says through the phone, whispering because he doesn't want to scare me. I reply in a groggy tone,

"Calum, it's three AM, not breakfast time..."

"All the time is breakfast time." I laugh through the phone at this and Calum sighs,

"Ah, even your voice sounds beautiful through the phone." I giggle again and then finally gain the voice to ask,

"Why are you calling me this early?" Calum smiles, sitting at his desk chair. He runs his fingers through his hair and spins in his chair. He then answers,

"because I missed the sound of your voice." I beam at this. I blush at the muffled words through my phone speaker. Calum then adds, "And like I said, all the time is breakfast time." I scrunch up in confused,

"What is that supposed to mean?" I can feel Calum smiling through the phone. He softly says,

"Meet me at Waffle House in fifteen minutes."

"But, wh-" But before I can finish, Calum quickly says,

"Okay, alright, love you, bye." And then he hangs up. I groan, not wanting to get out of bed. Then I think, eh, Ash isn't home, so I have nothing better to do. Might as well go.


"Hon, are you awake?" Luke asks, poking at a slobbery Michael on the kitchen table of his house. Michael moans and Luke softly laughs,

"Okay, then." He goes back to sitting at his counter top, facing the phone with his girlfriend's face on it.

"Michael's passed out." Maia laughs and Luke grins. He then shoots up with an idea,

"Be right back!" He says, and races out of the room.

he comes back with his acoustic guitar in his hands, and sits down. he starts to strum, then mutes it,

"Wanna hear a song?" He asks, and Maia nods excitedly. Luke thinks for a second before playing a few chords, and a full riff. He starts to sing a familiar song. She Looks So Perfect. His voice is raspy and deep and tired. he tries to sing it softly so it doesn't wake Michael, but let's face it, nothing can wake up Michael at three AM.

Luke ends the song after the last chorus and Maia claps through the phone.

"Now, I wanna hear you sing." He says, and starts to strum to Vapor. But Maia shakes her head,

"I can't sing!"

"yes you can!" Maia shakes her head again and Luke slumps,

"Oh, c'mon! I've heard you sing before!" It's true. Luke is the only one Maia will sing to. she trusts him, and somehow, he breaks her out of her shell.

"Please? For Me?" He asks, lip jutted out. Maia groans,

"Okay, fine." Luke smiles and starts to strum. Maia starts to softly sing, so quietly. But when Luke looks at her and smiles in just the right way, she becomes confident. She starts to sing louder and louder, until she's fully singing her lungs out.

"See, I told you that you can sing."

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