19- They finally see the truth

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As all of us walked back out of the shack, I apologised.

"Look, I'm really am sorry, about everything," I told the three of them. Ron was being carried by Sirius and Harry because Sirius hurt his leg.

"Its alright, we only know you were protecting yourself," Hermione said patting my back. I smiled at her. "Does anyone else know?"

I nodded. "All the teachers and Ginny," I muttered to her quietly. I looked at Sirius. "I think you need to apologise to Ron about his leg," I make sure he has dead lock on my eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry about your leg, but most of the time I'm a sweet gentle dog-"

I burst out laughing. "Yeah, and what about the rabbit?" I said keeping in fits of giggles. Harry looked back at me and laughed.

"James said that I should make the change permeant, the tail I could live with, but the fleas, their murder," Sirius carried on, laughing at the last bit.

"I wondered how your dad and Snape knew where we were?" Harry asked. I realised that they must of had a the other map. I grabbed the map and showed it to him. "I thought I gave it to prof-"

"There was a second one Harry, this is the one Sirius had,"

Harry nodded and walked over to Sirius, who stood like a sane man looking up at the castle. I sat down next to Hermione and Ron.

"I reckon Madame Promprey will have to cut it off," Ron said sadly.

"Madame Promprey is a wonderful nurse, she will fix it in a heartbeat," Hermione said. The next thing I knew was Peter being dragged out of the hole by dad.

"Sweet girl, clever girl, don't let them have me," he begged but Hermione jerked away. "Ron. I have been a good rat haven't I?" Ron did the same as Hermione. Dad dragged him away and kept a grip on him.

"So, how does it feel, to you know, be a werewolf?" Ron asked.

"It feels exciting and both sad at the same time. If I have someone around when I have transformed, I could kill them," I said struggling to say the words. Hermione looked away and immediately stood up.

"SIRIUS!" She shouted and we all looked. It was a full moon. I stood up and tried to cover my eyes but I already had locked them onto the moon. I started to feel pain. I collapsed onto the ground, making the pain stronger.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I cried. I heard Sirius come over and talk to dad. The pain was too much, I took of my jacket and threw it against the willow, making something break.

"Remus this is not the man you truly are!" I felt someone grab ahold on me. "Avery, don't be fooled, this isn't what you are!" But the pain was unbearable. I felt my back curve and my feet getting longer. I pushed Sirius away, making him fall down. I let out one final scream until I became what I am.

A werewolf.

Harry's POV

Avery and Professor Lupin had transformed. Hermione walked over to Avery.

"Avery?" She softly said. Avery looked up with her eyes red. Avery then howled gruesomely and started to walk to Hermione. Then Snape was in the road.

"I'll get you expelled for that!"

Professor Lupin howled letting know that his daughter and him transformed. Snape put his arms up like a barrier. 'Where did Sirius go?' I thought to myself. Suddenly a huge black dog tumbled down on Avery. Professor Lupin growled and charged at the dog. Avery got up and went to the tree and started to lick some purple/grey liquid. Professor Lupin then threw Sirius further away from where we were standing.

"Sirius!" I muttered and start to race after them.

"POTTER, GET BACK HERE!" Snape shouted. I ran further to see Professor and the dog bite at each other and throw themselves. professor Lupin must of hurt Sirius badly and Sirius let out a yelp and landed in some grass. 'Wheres Avery!' I wondered but Professor caught my eye

I backed away slowly but he was following to. "Aaaaawwwwwwwwooooooooooo!" I heard a howl. Lupin snapped his head sideways and ran for the forest. I looked back at Sirius who had gotten up and stumble. After my near-death experience I rushed after him.

Ohido Gozimus (Japanese)


Okay so I had to dance a school today, well Wow is all I can say. Note wow was said bluntly. I was just so embarrassed because I had to dance in front of my sister's year....... Nerve racking much

Alright but thanks for the over 400 READS!
10ever grateful
Love Maddi

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