4- morning after

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"Awwwwwooooohhh," I howled for the very last time before I transformed into my human self with a pair of black jeans and a warm hoodie on. Sirius also transformed, because we were walking in the tunnel back to Hogwarts when I saw the time. 5:50am. "Well, Madame Promprey won't be here until 6 so can you please explain to me what you need me for?" I said pointing my wand out incase he did something stupid. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I was wondering that too. this started as 'apparently' I destroyed Peter Pettigrew nearly 12 years ago. Everyone thought I was the one to blame so I ended up in Azkaban. The dirty coward chopped his own finger off, to frame-"

"You?!" I asked stunned. Sirius nodded.

"Yes. As you know I'm an animagus, so was Peter and James. We did this to join with Remus so he wouldn't go through the full moons take over alone,"

"And does this being an animagus have to do with this?" I asked sitting down on a rock because I was very,very, very exhausted.

"Peter was a rat, when he was assumed dead, he went to into a rat. And you Avery, know a rat by the name of scabbers,"

"Do you mean Ron's rat?" I asked astonished.

"I don't know who owns him but all I know is that he is living in a room of Gryfinndor's tower, now Avery here's the part I need you to do. I want you to try and get scabbers from Ross or Reece whatever his name is and take him to me,"

"Well, what are you going to do with him?"

"I don't know yet, maybe confront him about betraying Lily and James Potter and being You-know-how's servant. If you do this you'll save Harry's life." he said rather unusually calm. He then made eye contact with me. "Promise me Avery, you WILL NOT TELL YOUR DAD," he said shaking.

I took a couple of moments to think about decisions . I would be lying to dad which was awful, but saving Harry is another thing.

"Alright BUT don't do anything stupid," I warned him.

"Me? Do anything stupid? You've got to be joking!" He answered dramatically. "And what do you mean by 'anything stupid'?"

I got up quickly and pointed he wand at his neck. He chuckled. "Like, threaten the portraits, get the rat by yourself,get the passwords. You know the usual,"

"Thank you for those ideas Avery," he laughed. I face palmed myself.

'Stupid Avery, just stupid!' I thought while I kept face palming myself.

"You know your going to hurt yourself by doing that," he mentioned. I looked at him and stopped. I then went back to the rock I was sitting on and reached into my pockets of my hoodie. I took out a little bottle of Wolfsbane and a pumpkin pastie. I opened the lid of the potion and drunk it.

"That stuff taste like goblin's piss," I hissed closing the liquid while Sirius just laughed.

"And you know by experience?" He asked chuckling. I looked him knowing, when I'm angry, my eyes turn red. He then went quiet.

I then took a bite out of the pastie. "On the other hand, this taste like heaven," I exaggerated. "I've got 2 more questions for you Sirius," I told him. He looked at me and nodded, letting me proceed. "HOW DID you escape and not become insane and how did you know what scabbers looks like ?"

"I never went insane because I knew that I was innocent, and the escaping bit. Dementors can only feed on human most happiest memories. They know when humans are around because they can feel their emotions. One day when a Dementor came to give me food, I realised that I was still an animagus. For a couple of weeks I went without food. When I was skinny enough i made my move, I turned into the dog and walked out the door where the Dementor had left it open, stupid Dementor that one was,"

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