1- Welcome to Hogwarts

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"Have fun sweetheart," mum said kissing my forehead. My father, mother and I were standing on the famous platform 9 and 3/4. My dad got a job at Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry as the Defence Against the Dark Arts and I moved to third year in Hogwarts.

"I will," my dad joked.

"Dad, she was talking to me," I said nudging into him.

"Now, will you two be alright?"

"I'm sure we will be alright, Dumbledore knows about Avery and I so I think we're all good,"

"Alright, but if anything happens, send the owl post,"

"Ok mum, I love you," I said hugging her.

"I love you too, Avery,"

"Come on Ave, we've got a train to catch,"

Dad and I hoped onto the train and found a carriage. The train was now leaving the stations.

"BYE MUM!" I shouted from the window. This was going to be a very long ride.


Waking up after a 45 minute nap, I was startled to see three people in the carriage.

"Who are you?" I asked nervously.

"Don't be scared, my names Hermione granger, third year," the girl said putting her hand out to shake.

"My names Avery Lupin, third year as well," I said shaking her hand.

"Well I never seen you around school," the red head boy in the carriage pointed out.

"Ronald, you are so impolite!" She tutted.

"I only just started this year at Hogwarts, I moved from Beauxbatons,"

"Well, my names Ron Weasly,"

"And my names Harry Potter," the boy with his hair flinging out in all directions.

"Wonderful to meet you mr potter," I said shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Harry," I then remembered my father saying he was friends with a James Potter.

"Um, Harry did your father go by the name James?" I asked softly

He looked at my with a blank expression. He nodded.

"My father," I pointed at my dad who was asleep from a couple of nights ago when we had a full moon, "was best friends with James," I said taking out a picture of James and Dad in their final year at school. I gave it to him. "Please, keep it, I've got a load of photos as it is,"

"Are you sure?" Harry asked unsteadily. I nodded. Then the whole train came to a screeching holt and the lights flicked out. I stood up with my wand pointing at the carriages door

"Lumos," I said while some light came out of the tip of the wand. Then it suddenly died out. I took a hard swallowed and stood still.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yep, sure," they said in different answers, then I looked up and saw a black clothed hooded thing, slowly opening the door. It was a Dementor. It looked in my way where Ron and Hermione were sitting, then looked at Harry. The Dementor suddenly started sucking out some of his memorise.

'Come on Avery! You know the spell' I thought to myself.

I then remembered.

"Expect Patronum," I whispered shouted with a wolf coming from my wand. It was slowly whisking the Dementor away, when my dad woke from his sleep and helped me. Finally, the Dementor left the carriage. My whole body was shaking and I felt like I was about to collapse.

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