Part - 6 crossing over

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Mixed emotions ran throw me when Christian sat on the porch with me, in his hand he held that which changed his life, and probably mine as well. I wasn't sure how I should react I knew this day would come, Christian had gotten the most important letter of his life, an Scholarship offer to one of the best collages in the county. a full ride on his boxing skills, I was so happy for him really I was the tears in my eyes where from joy! Truly, just what happened to me when he left?

"I can't believe I finely got it" Christian said  giving a soft smile. "There where recruits at my last boxing match and I guess he liked my left hook."  He said  scanning the letter again to make sure it's all real.

"Well Mr. big shot looks like you're going  finely get out here." I said and placed my hand over his. "I  am happy for you, you deserve it."  I said  leaning my head to his shoulder and closing my eyes, taking in the moment before it could slip.

" School tomorrow." Christians fingers played with my hair, an innocent enough gesture that made me smile.

"Yea" I mumbled enjoying  the attention his paying to my hair, I wanted to cut it  but I would miss this too much my green eyes open when he stopped.

"I have to go  show my parents now." Christian got up.

" Hey, your mums going to be proud." I said  with a smile.

" We'll have fun" Christian said before walking  over to his house "we?" I repeated to myself – how do he except me to get into that school? I wasn't extremely smart so no scholarship there, and I did not have any extraordinary talents either I am in fact quiet average?


It wasn't long before it happened, hell broke loose! I was still sitting with my history book open on my desk, drawing pictures over  the page that I got  no interest in learning. I guess Christian's right I have the attention span of a crow, that's when I heard it a load clash from next door followed by yells. I knew that voice, it what's Christians father, he was throwing thing around I bed. I clenched my fits, I know better  but I couldn't think of Christian betting hurt again, I wanted to do something anything !

With that I bit my lip and pushed back from my desk, hearing more noise and shouts. I couldn't hear  Christians voice, why on earth would his dad not be pleased with his scholarship. I raced down the stairs when I remembered, he wanted Christian to get into the same collage as him. yet Christian got a scholarship to a school fare away enough not to be able to see his father again.

I ran from my front door my heart pounded, my brain shouted at me to turn around back away. Yet I couldn't every instinct told me that this time Christian was in a lot more trouble than any of the other times. By the time I reached his front door I knew I was right, I started knocking, nothing.

"YOU RUNT! YOU THINK YOU CAN PULL A FAST ONE!" I could hear his father's shouts clearly now filled by a string of curse words, knocking wasn't working so I pounded on the door.

"OPEN UP!"I shouted "Christian" my voice didn't sound like my own, I was starting to become more and more frantic. a load bang made me jump, I tried pushing the door but it was locked as I tried again it opened.

With a gasp I nearly stumbled back as I looked at Christians fathers angry face,  he was a large man there was never a dough, he was  also a bear of a man,  yet his furry filled face, and narrowed eyes made any one want to run not to mention the gray had set into his hair "What do you want girl" He growled, I tried to see pats him, no Christian?

"I am looking for Christian" I squeaked, shit I could hardly hear my own voice.

"he's busy" the monster said and was about the close the door.

"This is important!" I shouted making him  pause, I didn't care at that moment i got some courage i swear it was pure adrenaline.

"I don't think I know who you are girl but I ..."

he was about to say something but I chipped in. "I live next door! And I know exactly what you're doing so stop it!"  With that emotions crossed the monsters face, oh no wrong move, the monster grasped my arm with a crushing grip and yanked me into   the house slamming the door being me.

I am the girl in Christian's secret life.Where stories live. Discover now