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I quickly opened my eyes. The light from the windows made my head ache. My mouth was dry and it screamed for water.

I got a little chilly then I looked over to see Ricky. I was cuddled up against him....NAKED!

My heart raced.

"Oh shit!" I said quietly.

I rubbed my eyes in frustration.
I looked on the floor to see our clothes.

I got up and took a shower then I took Dexter out for a walk afterwards.
I fed him when we came back.
My head hurts like hell.

Ricky was still sleeping.

I cleaned the living room up then I left the wine glasses and bottles on the counter in the kitchen.
I rested my elbows on the counter then buried my face in my hands.

Why am I so fucking stupid?!
God! Sex is the number one reason to ruin a friendship!!

"Morning girly!" Gaia's voice rang in my head.

I quickly turned around looking surprised at her existence in my kitchen.
Chris was behind her and it was only the two of them.

"Are you alright? You look like shit." She chuckled.

I got nervous. I don't know what to say.

She looked at the glasses and two empty wine bottles.
"Shit. You finally drank" she scoffed.
"Why is there two wine glasses??" She grinned.

"Chris...Can I talk to Gaia for a sec?" I asked.
He nodded his head then left to the living room.

"What's up?" She asked while sitting down.

"Ricky is upstairs...sleeping.." I said quietly.


"Naked...in my bed..."


"Shh!" I covered her mouth.

"We got drunk last night and I don't know what happened! I just woke up naked next to him!"

"You guys fucked up big time." She scoffed.

"This is why you call me over when you drink! You don't call a guy over!"

"I didn't call him over! He just came to apologize and I was already drinking and I guess I provoked him to drink and that's all I remember!"

"Oh god..." She slid her fingers through her hair.
"What are you gonna do?? Did you guys at least use a condom or something??"

"I don't remember!! I'm afraid that we didn't!" I nervously but my lip.
"What if I become pregnant?! Oh god! I don't want a child at this age! I'm not ready! I wish I could fucking remember but we were both shit faced drunk! I don't want to become a mom! I can't! I can't be pregnant!" I paced the floor.

"Chloe, calm down. We'll figure all of this out when he wakes up."

"Is everything alright?" Chris asked while walking in.

"Yeah. Ricky and Chloe just had drunk sex last night and she can't remember shit." She said like nothing.

"Gaia!" I gasped.

"Then how does she know if they had sex if she can't remember??"

"She was naked next to him when she woke up...genius."

"Wait...so that means he's still here??"

Gaia nodded her head.
I nervously bit my nails.

"Stop it!" She said while hitting the back of my hand.

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