I walked into my closet to pull on my beige wedges.

Sam held his arm out for me to grab onto and we made our way to the wedding.

"You look beautiful," he whispers in my ear.

"Thanks," I blush and smile awkwardly.

"So this is that one friend you were crying about that one day when I met you, huh?" He asks as we walk up to the venue.

"Yup," I purse my lips.

"You guys made up?"

"Eh, not really. We've both moved on but we haven't spoken about all that."

We take our seats and chat amongst ourselves until the song starts to play and everyone rises. Sam and I follow suit.

My eyes catch Anna in a beautiful white mermaid dress. Her hair was braided and pulled into a cute bun. Her makeup was simple, except it's not going to hold up very well with all the tears..

My gaze followed hers to see Jake at the end of the aisle dressed in a classic black suit. His lips spread wide across his face and he looked like he was tearing up too.

It was a nice, classic ceremony. They read their vows and said their "I Do's". They sealed their love with a big kiss and then they we off. I clapped along with everyone else as I watched the happy couple dance back down the aisle.

Sam and I take our time walking back to the apartment. We decided neither of us wanted to stay for the reception, which is fine because I've had this whole pregnant thing on my mind.

I guess I should tell Sam, but I should go to the doctor first. And what about Eric? Our kid is going to grow up without his real dad.

"I'm gonna go to the infirmary, but I will see you later," I turn to him as we approach my apartment.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight," he kisses my cheek.

"Yup," I start to open the door. "Oh and thanks for going with me to the wedding."

"It was my pleasure," he grins and slightly tilts his head as if he was bowing.

I smile and step into my apartment. I change into a pair of soft short shorts and a sweatshirt. I head down to the infirmary and the lady smiles at me, "He's still back there."

"Actually I'm here for me. I think I'm pregnant," I mumble nervously.

"Oh okay sweety, just sign in and take any open bed back there. I'll send the nurse in," she explains.

I take the clipboard and write my name, date, and time down then take a seat on the open bed next to Eric.

"Okay Sophia," the nurse says coming to my side. She holds her face close to the clipboard but lifts it up to look at me. "You think you're pregnant?"

"Yeah," I nod. "I uh, I took the test and it came back positive."

"Ok so I'll just do a quick ultrasound," she turns and grabs a bottle and pulls over the machine.

"What's an ultrasound?" I ask scooting away from the machine.

"First time through this?" She nods her head to herself like she confirmed it herself by watching my behaviour.

I nod biting my lip.

"I'm just going to rub this cream on your stomach and rub this," she holds up a little device. "Over the cream and a picture of your stomach will appear on that screen," she points to a TV looking thing to my right.

I nod relaxed now. "Before that though, is there any way we could just push this bed closer to his? I would like to hold his hand?" I ask pointing to Eric.

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